大学生活作文范文有没有?( 三 )

在大学生活了一段时刻,我发现这座“象牙塔”是有棱有角的,一不留意就有可能撞上 。在中学时代,我们大多习惯于问老师该怎样做;但在大学,老师不会给你明确的答案,需要你自己去思考,去选取 。举个例子,当你同时面临观摩全国英语演讲比赛和世界著名交响乐团的演奏时,你如何选取呢?对于我来说,我会选取去听演讲,正因我认为观摩演讲比赛带给我的收益更多 。当然不一样的人有不一样的看问题的角度,不一样的问题又有不一样的处理方法 。其实,学会如何去思考问题,如何在两难中取舍也应被视作大学课程之一,更是对自我的一种锻炼 。
我的大学生涯即将过半,而我也渐渐明白大学其实是一个大舞台,一个属于你自己的舞台 。在那里你既是导演又是主角,只要你敢于尝试,那么所有的聚光灯都会向你打来 。而你要做的就是发奋去演好你的主角,无论发生什么,坚信自己,没错的!


I still remember that happine suddenly gripped me when I receive the admiion notice from Chong Qing University.Beyond reproach, it indicates that everything will go on from scratch.However, an eential question draws my attraction.What is the purpose of my entering the college.
It is universally acknowledged that college affords ample opportunities to study further.Without saying, it is one of the most crucial reason I choose to study here .I attach great importance to keep learning and make myself more abundant in knowledge.Undoubtedly, to accomplish this objective, I must be more industrious.
What\\'s more, wonderful as the college life is, it provides more opportunity to make quantities of friends when I take part in various activities.Friends are treasure we must cherish, and play an important role in my daily life.Had it not been their help, I would not have spent such a wonderful life.
Another thing which allow of no ignorance is that study in college can make me keep pace with the rapid development of society.Library being well-stocked, I can find lots of magazine which is up to date to read.Teachers being profound knowledgeable can get correct guidance.During the period of college life I will get in touch with not only advanced technology but also some up-to-date ideas.
College is the paradise to broaden my horizon.It enables me to fulfill my dream as well.Without going through this period, life could be a great pity.It will undoubtedly provide me with knowledge, happine, and friendship and finally become the most precious memory in my whole life.
我拖着行李箱走进大学的那一天,天空是明媚的,就如那一天我的心情 。当我找到自己的宿舍后,我认识到了我大学生活的室友,她们是很和善也很友好的伙伴 。
我对大学的生活一直都抱有很大的向往,并且我也决心要在我的大学生活里找到一个更优秀的自己 。时间过的很快,不过一眨眼,大学军训过去了 。经过这一军训,同学们在阳光的日日洗礼之下都变了一个模样,大家走在一起还瞧不出来什么,等到脱离了大部队,走在校园外的街道上的时候,从我们身旁走过的路人,一下子就衬托出了晒黑的我们 。