三年级雾霾作文300字如何写?( 五 )



The hazy weather
This year the character ‘haze’ came into our life ,the problem of which has aroused people’s concern.
The hazy weather has a bad influence on our daily life , especially in our breath system and transportation .Some Ridicules show the bad hazy effect , for example :“The longest distance in the world is that I could not see Chairman Mao even though I am right in front of the Tiananmen! ” and “Dust and smog is crazily thick! Be strong and do not breathe!(厚德载雾,自强不吸)”Then ,how does this happen ? First ,wo should know haze is a kind of weather , but it is not like the rain、the snow .Originally it is a reflection to serious pollution , it is a red warning signal .There i conclude two reasons .First , Large pollutant emiion is the crucial factor .Second , Disadvantageous condition for dispersal(扩散条件不利) , emiion is unavoidable ,but dispersal must be timely .
So ,what should we do in the haze ? When we go out ,we should wear mask , and take public transportation .The media should face the problem ,not sugarcoat (粉饰 [\\'??ɡ?,k??t] ) it .The government ought to enhance the public supervision(社会监管) , and develop clean energy .
We are all in this together! We shall survive and thrive together!


大家好,我是雾霾 。是一些空气动力学直径小于2 。5微米的颗粒,名字叫PM2·5 。和忠实的护盾PM1·0是兄弟 。我介绍一下我的来历、我的危害和怎么预防我 。
首先,我来自燃油、燃煤等生物质的燃烧 。工业、养殖、化肥、扬尘、尾气等都是我的来源 。当你们觉得不用重视它的时候,觉得它是属于小事的时候,我就跑出来了 。我有多到无法计数的兄弟,这当然多亏了燃煤和燃油,因为我60%兄弟来自燃煤、燃油的燃烧!
还有,我对你们人类有很多的危害 。我是这样进入和危害人体的:第一关,从鼻口进入 。可恶,鼻毛和鼻涕拦住了我一部分的兄弟,不过这没关系,我兄弟多着呢!第二关,上呼吸道 。人的上呼吸道的绒毛一分钟要扇好多次,差一点我也被扇走了……但是最终,当我到达你们肺部的时候,你就是我的战利品啦 。
当然,你们预防我也不难 。但是要有条件的:首先要减少燃煤燃油的燃烧,其次,要少开车多用自行车,低碳出行 。第三,多用天然气 。最后,要按标准排放废气废物,举报超标排放的工厂 。


一连几天,我们这里都是雾霾的天气 。
真气人,今早上又是雾霾 。我和妈妈要去姥姥家,只好骑着电动车慢慢的出了门 。