汤姆索亚历险记读后感如何写?( 三 )

汤姆虽然不具备所谓的“优良生”良好的学习习惯和令人欣慰的成绩,在人们看来:他逃学,撒谎,喜欢打架,爱耍小聪明,成绩差……几乎一无是处 。但是,他却能在关键时刻挺身而出,勇敢地和恶势力作斗争,这是多么强烈的正义感啊!我想,恐怕有些大人也不敢这样吧!虽然大人们称小孩行为是幼稚,但有时这种“幼稚”也是大人们向往的 。汤姆虽然幼稚,不过这正表现出他的天真烂漫和一颗快乐的心!


The reading report of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
B1101Zhang Yali0311110125
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain.Mark Twain is a famous American novelist, American literature of the founder of critical realism and the world-famous short story master.
The story began in an ordinary town in the Miiippi River in the first half of the 19th century.Tom Sawyer is a mischievous child.He can always come up with a variety of pranks which Aunt Polly has nothing to do with, and he always tried his best to avoid punishment.But he was finally found absent school and went swimming.Now he had to brush the fence on Saturday.Tom was very angry but he could do noting.On the way he came acro a new comer.He felt uncomfortable about the boy’s dre.At begging, the two boys quarreled with each other.And finally they began to fight because they couldn’t bear each other’s words any more.Of course Tom was the final winner.The newcomer escaped.This made Tom happy.How childish they are.When we are young, we can always quarrel with other little children about small things.That’s what we called child but not adult.Tom was punished to brush the fence on Saturday when all other children were going to play.He felt bad.And I think if I cannot go to play at weekend, I will be in bad mood, too.But you know, Tom is such a smart boy.He made almost every child paing by him work for him.He let others think brushing the fence is a very excellent job which not everyone can do it.The more difficult one want get something, the more eager they will be.Tom really did a good job.
One day Tom met a girl.He fell in love with her when he first saw her.He began to “show off” in all sorts of absurd boyish ways, in order to win her attraction.But he seemed to be failed.The beautiful girl never gave him a glance.In church, you will be given a ticket in different color if you can recite wholly a piece of Bible.Then if you collect the colorful tickets such as red, blue as they want, you will be reward a Bible.It is really a honorable thing.Tom did get one book by exchange his little things with others ticket.In the end, the guys found them cheated by Tom.He was a succeful busineman.How envy but still stupid they are! It was unbelievable that Tom could have a ticket.Everyone was shocked so much.And so was I.I think the way he does things just like an adult.Maybe that is the society told him.