
时光在流逝,从不停歇,许多朋友又将开始寻求新的工作机会,是时候好好地琢磨一下写简历的事情了哦 。你真的.懂得怎么写好简历吗?以下是小编为大家收集的电气自动化专业的英语简历范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧 。
Name: Nguyen xx
sex: Male
Date of birth: 1986-6
National: Han
Place of residence are: Liaoning Province / Dandong City
Marital status: unmarried
Education: tertiary
Graduate school: University of Shashi in Hubei Province
Profession: Electrical Automation
In the young season, I willing to endure hardship involved, only through their own enthusiasm, pro-active efforts to achieve their own values and work to make the GREatest contribution: As a beginner, I have an excellent ability to learn and willing to learn, innovate, constant pursuit of excellence; as a participant, I have an honest and credible character, full of team spirit; as a leader, I am able to work with, and decisive style, good communication and interpersonal coordination. Have a strong endurance, willpower and the quality of tradition of hard work, serious and responsible work, positive and agGREssive personality persistent optimism, the courage to face the difficulties and challenges
Educational background
20xx.9 ~ 20xx.6 University, majoring in professional Shashi: Electrical Automation Education: tertiary
College English, advanced mathematics, engineering, mathematics, University physics, mechanical drawing, circuit and magnetic circuit, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Automatic Control Theory, Principle and Application of Microcomputer, ALGOL, electrical and drag the basis of the semiconductor variable technology, engineering, testing, factory electrical equipment, automation systems, power plants, Introduction to Business Management.
In school honors:
20xx and 20xx, respectively, in 20xx the school won the men's basketball championship in school students were hired as the sportsdepartment, Deputy Minister of
In June 20xx the school of electrical technology to obtain professional credentials
In June 20xx in the school to obtain vocational qualification certificate Electrician
Language Proficiency: Mandarin: fluent English: 2
Professional skills:
1. I am the 20xx graduates, after three years of training in schools, the community has a certain deGREe of adaptability, professionalism and strong sense of responsibility, diligence, meticulous and comprehensive analysis of strong ability and learning ability. At school, I attended the school of professional training, such as: 7-assembled radios, electronic form design simple curriculum design, electrician, electrical technology applications, such as training, and obtain the relevant certificate. In the classroom, I have also systematically studied the principle of automatic control, process control instrumentation and automation, sensor technology infrastructure, micro-computer control technology, MCS-51 single-chip application of the principle and examples of the basis of motor and electric drive, power electronics Technology, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, programmable controller programming methods and engineering applications (PLC), the number of sub-electronic technology, analog electronic technology, CAD drawings, etc., have a certain amount of professional knowledge;