
小时候,妈妈常说让我好好学习,将来考上大学 。我当时觉得这就是我的人生目标,直到现在,我也依然没有忘记我这个从童年就已经播种,并且现在已经发芽了的“大学梦” 。
我十分向往我的大学生活,我希望我的大学生活能够尽如人意,可能也是我身边的大学生感染了我,我总觉得我的大学生活会是我这一生最美好的时光 。有一个大学生,曾经跟我讲,说他在大学校园里过的十分充实,有许多真挚的朋友,就连老师也和他的朋友一样 。而且,他的日常生活从不缺少乐趣 。每天上课,是在老师和同学们的欢笑声中度过,放学,和同学们一起巩固当天所学的知识,空闲的时间,和同学们一起出去娱乐娱乐 。我最羡慕他们可以独立生活这一点,自己料理自己生活中的一切一切,多令人羡慕啊!
我常常一个人在角落里幻想我的大学生活,美丽而完美的大学生活画卷便浮现在我的脑海之中,太希望真正投入到那段灿烂的生活里了 。我还有一个想法,就是在上大学期间,创造一个属于自己的服装品牌,名字就叫“萌·瑶菲娜”,我之所以想有一个属于自己的服装品牌,是因为,我们大家穿的都是别人的品牌,每个人都很喜欢,那我就在想,要是大家穿的是我做的品牌呢?会不会也都赞不绝口呢?会不会也给予我的品牌以肯定呢?这是我在大学期间要完成的梦想 。我喜欢画画,我更喜欢服装设计,所以就因为这一点,我便更向往我的大学了 。
这就是我的梦,我的大学梦,我会为我的大学梦而努力奋斗的 。加油!为我努力的目标,冲!


I still remember that happine suddenly gripped me when I receive the admiion notice from Chong Qing University.Beyond reproach, it indicates that everything will go on from scratch.However, an eential question draws my attraction.What is the purpose of my entering the college.
It is universally acknowledged that college affords ample opportunities to study further.Without saying, it is one of the most crucial reason I choose to study here .I attach great importance to keep learning and make myself more abundant in knowledge.Undoubtedly, to accomplish this objective, I must be more industrious.
What\\'s more, wonderful as the college life is, it provides more opportunity to make quantities of friends when I take part in various activities.Friends are treasure we must cherish, and play an important role in my daily life.Had it not been their help, I would not have spent such a wonderful life.
Another thing which allow of no ignorance is that study in college can make me keep pace with the rapid development of society.Library being well-stocked, I can find lots of magazine which is up to date to read.Teachers being profound knowledgeable can get correct guidance.During the period of college life I will get in touch with not only advanced technology but also some up-to-date ideas.