

将来会怎样英语作文,诗歌A young student cried with his face so pale,-For he hungered for a red rose so sweet.-Beside him was a singing nightingale,-Whose nest was on an oak tree.--The student loved a maiden,-Who was a professor's beautiful daughter.-If only a red rose had grown in his garden,-The student could claim her hand forever.--So the nightingale spread her wings for flight,-To seek a rose tree in the meadow,-But his roses were all white,-And whiter than the mountain's snow.--Again she soared like an arrow,-To beg another tree growing so fair;-But his roses were all yellow,-And yellower than the mermaid's hair.--The kind tree told her however,-His brother was beneath the student's window.-So the bird became happier,-And passed through the garden like a shadow.--She entreated for a red rose heartily,-But the tree shook his head.-He said the price would not be paid easily,-In gaining it the bird must be dead.--She should push her bosom against a thorn,-Let her blood flow into the tree's vein,-And sing her sweetest songs until dawn,-Then a red rose would compensate her pain.--The bird did as being told,-Pierced the thorn into her heart,-And kept singing with the voice of gold,-Waiting the rose to start.--The sun rays broke the gloom,-The nightingale,her life was ebbing away.-But the rose bloomed,-And standing in the breeze it swayed.--The student woke,surprisingly seeing the flower.-He gently plucked it,-And ran with all his power,-To the girl he eagerly wanted to meet.--But the girl had already wore a diamond,-Which came from a rich man.-Coldly,she threw the rose on the ground.-And said she wouldn't meet the student again.--The student left,without picking up the rose.-Returning home,he buried his head into the books,-Never rose.--Outside his window,sunlight shone;-Peacefully and unnoticed,a nightingale did lie.-Only the wind,who listened to her first song,-Was receiving her last sigh
写一篇英语作文根据以下要求,写一篇作文你学校英语文学社准备出一...Poetry in BriefPoetry has been exists as one of the most complicated form of literature since Renaissance, flourished by hundreds and thousands of poets and novelist. The quintessence of poetry is that it sufficiently expresses the diaphanous content with minimum amount of words, which leaves a marvellous space of further imagination. It might be easy to read a poem, but to catches its pure essence, you have got to comprehend the poem by heart. Just times of proof reading is not enough, you have got to understand the historical context, the poet's life experience, and also the hidden significance behind the fa?ade of words. Poetry is proved to be one of the most successful forms of literature genre, although it may have the longest history, many of great poetries are still repeated revised for educational purposes. Some great poet and playwright's pieces, such as William Shakespeare's poetries, are still quite popular amongst readers. Reciting poetries assists learning progress and is beneficial to one's sentiment.
歌颂祖国英语诗歌急求一篇内容为歌颂祖国的英语作文,英语诗歌也行....诗歌 开学 水库是知识的海洋 蓝天上白云飘荡 一艘崭新的轮船 就要起航 轮船在水库中远航 稳定而没有风浪 好奇的孩子们 就要起航 船长再次清点乘客 迎着灿烂的朝阳 呜呜呜—— 就要起航 《九月,开学了》 九月,开学了 九岁的我用稚嫩的双肩 背负起父母的沉重 九月,开学了 一步一回头 望着 空空荡荡的教室 在雨中 冲落了泪水 朗朗的书声 踩在泥泞的脚下 艰难 前行 九月,开学了 二十里的山路是唯一 通向小镇的路 怎样应对开学综合症 1,摆正心态,正确定位 。
不少学生会发现,大学里群英荟萃,同龄的“精英”们或许会使自己原先的荣耀感在不自觉的比较中荡然无存 。
此时,如何摆正心态、冷静清醒地给自己一个正确的定位是非常重要的 。
既不能盲目自大,也不能自怨自艾,既要肯定自己的优势,同时也要正视自己的不足,充满信心去迎接新的挑战和生活 。
2,具备自立能力 。
上大学意味着告别父母的照顾,开始全新独立生活,衣食住行、饮食起居都要自己去计划安排、统筹兼顾 。
只有做好自立的心理准备,才能坦然地面对大学生活中一系列琐碎的事务,合理地支配自己的时间和精力,有条不紊地学习、生活 。
3,学会把握方向 。
现实生活中的大学已不再是与社会隔绝的“象牙塔”了,对物欲的向往,对金钱的崇拜,这些社会上存在的不良风气,难免会对校园中的学子产生影响,对此,大学新生更应把握好自己生活的方向,学会自尊、自强、自立 。
散文 九月忆开学 不算上名不副实的幼儿班生活,自6岁那年进入小学,到现在为止我的校园时光已经有26年了 。