被低估的植物 十种被低估的花语( 二 )

Rose (white): flexibility, innocence, reverence
Rose (yellow): infidelity, jealousy
Roses (bouquet): Happy Love
Rose (bud): beautiful and she explains
玫瑰 (花苞): 优美和芳华 Rose (Red + White): A total of
玫瑰 (红+白): 共有 Rose (red + yellow): happy
玫瑰 (红+黄): 高兴 Rose (Black): You are evil, and everything for me
玫瑰(黑) :你是恶魔,且为我一切
2.Tulip florid
郁金香花语 Tulip: expression of love, honor, and wish a permanent
郁金香:爱的表达、荣誉、祝愿永久 Tulip (red): declaration of love, happiness, love
郁金香(红):爱的宣言、高兴、酷爱 Tulip (pink): beauty, love, happiness
郁金香(粉):尤物、酷爱、幸福 Tulip (yellow): noble, take care, property
郁金香(黄):高尚、保重、财产 Tulip (purple): Endless love, love
郁金香(紫):无尽的爱、最爱 Tulip (white): innocent, pure
郁金香(白):纯情、纯真 Tulip (color): beautiful you, happy encounter
郁金香(双色):优美的你、喜邂逅 Tulip (Feather): mind rain
3.Lily Language
Lily: well, all wishes come true, wishes and noble. (No more than it is ominous in Japan, flower, beautiful words on their own that it was "beheaded")
百合:顺遂、心想事成、祝愿、高尚 。(不外它在日本是很不祥的花,日自己说它的花语是“斩头”) Lily (white): innocence, dignity, out of tune
Lily (AOI): success, honor, and rank
百合(葵):成功、荣誉、贫贱 Lily (JI): property, honor, charity, vulgar
百合(姬):财产、荣誉、清纯、庸俗 Lily (wild): permanent happiness
百合 (野) : 永久幸福
Foxtail lily: elegance, prosperity, good
Corn lily: stubborn love, heroic
玉米百合:固执的爱、英勇 Lily Li Code: competence, dignity, good
Christmas Lily: The Joy, celebration, the truth
Narcissus Lily: happy, wait for encounter
水仙百合:高兴、等待邂逅 White Lily: mean Bainianhaohe, great love
白百合:意味百年好合、巨大的爱 Lilies: means pure, vulgar
Yellow Lily: means the property, noble
黄百合:意味财产、高尚 4.Carnation Flower language
康乃馨花语 Carnation: Mother I love you, passion, truth
康乃馨:母亲我爱您、热情、真情 Carnation (red): the confidence of your love
Carnation (pink): love, beautiful