健康的重要性,身体健康的重要性是什么?( 二 )

如果没有健康的生理 , 就不能长时间保持充沛的精力和蓬勃的朝气,甚至还会为一些疾病困扰,根本无法从事正常的社会活动 。如果没有健康的心理 , 就会经常处于焦虑、郁闷、孤僻、自卑、怨恨、猜忌等不良心理状态 。
同样不可能在学习、工作和生活中发挥个人潜能,取得成就和发展 。所以,协调好自我生理与心理的关系,保持身心健康就是科学把握人生道路,创造有价值人生观的基本前提 。
长期上夜班的人,只要保持常年白天睡觉习惯,并且达到7小时睡眠要求,也可以形成自己的正常生活规律 。
并注意饮食健康 , 多吃一些有利于消化的食物,如绿色蔬菜、新鲜水果,还可适当补充维生素A , 保障睡眠也很重要,在白天补觉的时候,尽量创造安静、黑暗的环境,如果有不适应或者失眠的情况,应该及早治疗 。同时,要保证定期到医院检查,做到“早发现、早治疗” 。


4、健康的重要性 The Importance of Health  We all know that health is important, but many people do not pay much attention to their health unless they are ill. I think that this is terribly wrong, because if we are ill, we cannot do anything but taking medicine or staying in hospital.
With good health, we can enjoy good food and nice drink. Without good health, no food is delicious, and no drink is tasty.
With good health, we can work well, study well.Without it, we cannot achieve our goal, neither can we acquire knowledge as easily as before.
With good health, we will feel confident and keep an open-mind. Without it, we may feel unconfident or fall into self-pity.
Can you imagine someone who is in poor health can travel around the world?
For our future and better life, Please take care of your health.
On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth.
而有些人则站在另外一边,不认同上述的观点 。他们相信健康远比财富重要 。首先 , 一个拥有健康体魄的人相对于那些光是有钱却体质羸弱的人士,可以享受到更为幸福的人生;其次,强健的身体是事业成功的后盾;最后,健康体魄能更是你持续积累财富的资本 。
 The Importance of Health健康的重要性
We all know that health is important, but many people do not pay much attention to their health unless they are ill. I think that this is terribly wrong, because if we are ill, we cannot do anything but taking medicine or staying in hospital.