三级 – 当700范围以内的任意敌方单位在施放完一个技能后,将其沉默,持续3秒.
14. Awesome job, scenario _ t _ c! You've earned your place in AoE history, and a very important place.
干的太好了, 剧情狂! 你已在《帝国》界赚得一席座位, 而且那是一席非常重要的座位.
15. Added Staff of Revocation – Removes all buffs in an AoE. Contains 3 charges.
增加了一个驱散权杖–可以驱散一个范围内的魔法效果, 可以使用3次.
Just keep recasting it as long as AoE silence is not on its 13s cooldown.
不停的更新生命花的时直到范围沉默已过了13秒冷却时间 。
Colossus now fires in an AOE which is extremely deadly for grouped units.
大象现在是片杀将对地面单位造成致命的伤害 。
Summon; 35 MP, Range 5, AOE 13; Summons Salamander, the spirit of fire. Number ofsummons depends on user's INT.
召唤;35MP,射程5,效果范围13;召唤火蜥蜴,火之精灵 。召唤数量视使用者智力(INT)而定 。
Area-Effect; 12 MP , Range 6, AOE 1-5; Pillars of fire damage foes, burn fields, and melt snow.Area of Effect increases with caster's INT.
区域效果;12MP ,射程6 , 效果范围1-5;伤害敌人的火柱,燃烧草地,融化雪地 。效果范围随发射者智力(INT)增加而扩大 。
Support; 20 MP, Range 7, AOE 1; Temporarily lowers speed and restricts movement bychanging target's movement type.
支援;20MP , 射程7,效果范围1;通过改变目标的移动方式暂时减低其速度和限制其移动 。
Apply critical path method to manufacturing, combine with CAD/CAM technology, the AOE netmodel is established in which take machine as node and assign task to machine according toprocess flow.
将关键路径法具体应用于机械制造业 , 结合CAD/CAM技术 , 建立以机床为结点按工序流分配任务的AOE网络模型 。
Support; 15 MP , Range 7, AOE 1-5; Foes lured to sleep by chilling breeze. Area of Effectincreases with caster's INT.
支援;15MP,射程7,效果范围1-5;寒冷的微风诱使敌人沉睡 。效果范围随发射者智力(INT)增加而扩大 。
Area-Effect; 12 MP, Range 6, AOE 1-5; Damages foes by freezing the air. Area of Effectincreases with caster's INT.
区域效果;12MP,射程6,效果范围1-5;结冻空气以伤害敌人 。效果范围随发射者智力(INT)增加而扩大 。
Area-Effect; 8 MP, Range 7, AOE 1; Foe drifts into unconsciousness and is damaged bymalignant visions.
区域效果;8MP,射程7, 效果范围1;敌人陷入无意识并被恐惧的视觉所伤害 。
【aoe什么意思,吃播口中的aoe是什么意思】Area-Effect; 12 MP , Range 6, AOE 1-5; Damages foes with falling boulder. Area of Effectincreases with caster's INT.
区域效果;12MP ,射程6 , 效果范围1-5;用落石伤害敌人 。效果范围随发射者智力(INT)增加而扩大 。
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