求职英语介绍信如何写?( 二 )

mr. li is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly sincerely yours,
zhang jianguo
senior engineer and technical manage to whom it may concern,
sincerely yours


WANTED: Partners to lead their students in a Culture Exchange between Chineseand English native speakers.
A. Purpose
We are teachers in elementary school in Taiwan. Our students (age from10-12) want to introduce our Chinese culture and learn more about exotic culture of foreign centuries. So our interested partners and our students will benefit from the culture exchange project.
B. Benefits
1. If you are interested in Chinese, it’s a fantastic chance to learn Chinese history, experience Chinese culture and help your students to improve their Chinese.
2. It will be a life-changing experience.
3. If your students are America-born Chinese, it’s a good news for them to keep in touch with their Chinese Heritage.
C. Media for Exchange
Bilingual (Chinese and English)
D. Items for Exchange
Pictures, VCD(or DVD, videotape, etc.) of activities, letters (hand-script), writing works and objects (material things placed before or shown to the learners)
E. Topics for Exchange
1. Family introduction
2. Chinese traditional food