五年级书信作文300字怎么写?( 四 )

Please visit as you like.If you have any questions, you can ask me.That\\'s all
8765 Sunset Street
Hollywood 56 Calif.
May 17 1998
Mr.Alan Liu
122 Ninghai Road,
Nanjing P.R.C.
Dear Sir,
This is to confirm in writing our telephone conversation of yesterday regarding an interview you have been kind enough to grant me.
Green Book magazine has aigned me a short article on the hibernation of animals.As Curator of Mammals at the Zoological Park, you are one of three prominent zoologists I plan to interview before writing the piece from notes I have already carefully researched.The other two to be interviewed are your colleagues, Dr.Fuller and Dr.Meade of the University staff.
I can match my plan to suit your schedule, but some day early next month would be best for me.I don\\'t plan to bring a photographer as this piece is to be illustrated by rather amazing pictures I already have of hibernating animals.
A self-addreed, stamped envelope is enclosed and I would appreciate a reply as soon as you can arrange a convenient time.
Sincerely yours,
John Warner
Letter Thanks Dear Mr.Smith,
I am writing to you just to tell you how very much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to my wife when she visited your country last week.
The help and advice you gave to her, and the introductions you arranged for her, have resulted in a number of very useful meetings and I should like you to know how very grateful I am for all you have done to make them poible.
I realized the value of time to a busy person like you and this makes me all the more appreciative of the time you so generously gave to her..
25 Smokey Lane
Our Town
4GO T10
Dear Cigarette,
For the past 17 years, you have been my best friend.You have seen me through difficult times, happy times and just about every phase of my life.You have always been here when I\\'ve needed you.Some of my family and friends didn\\'t care much for you, but I always defended you no matter what.I always thought you were a great friend to
have, and I counted on you at all times.
【五年级书信作文300字怎么写?】It\\'s hard for me to tell you this, but in the past few months, I have been seriously thinking about ending our relationship.I\\'ve decided that I\\'ve just been too dependent on you, and I feel that at the age of 35 it is time that I start being more independent.I thought about just maybe seeing you once in a while, but I don\\'t think that would work.Eventually, I\\'d start relying on you all the time again.I
feel the only way to end our relationship is to end it for good.
I\\'ve always included you in everything I\\'ve done but next week, I\\'m going on a trip, and I\\'ve decided not to take you along.I feel this would be a good time to break up.I will be gone a whole week without you and if I can make it on my own for that
week, I know I can make it forever.