
The dicuion oflosing weight
Last several years,with the rapid development of technology and advancement of people\\'s living quality.The vast majority people turn to pay more attention to life\\'s comfort and beautiful figure.However,another problem is that a increasing number of people have been fat.Therefor,losing weight has become a common phenomenon in the world today.
Different people have different opinions about losing weight.People who support this view consider that there are some advantages to keep figure.Fristly,have a good figure can make a people look beautiful ang temperament from apprarance.What\\'s more,more often than not,people who have a appropriate diet own a good health.Eventually,if a person lose weight succefully,it is obvious that he has a very good self-control ability.However,other people are aganist this view,their reason is that too thin can cause a person\\'s immune system decline.It\\'s bad for our health.
I do deem that each strong points has its weak points.On the one hand,losing weight properly is good for our bady,on the other hand,too thin can make a person get sick easily.Therefoe,we should make the balance bettwen thin and fat.
“同学们,接下来轮到我们班体检,我们去外面排队 。”成老师话音刚落,我们便排起了长队,还不忘和边上同学念叨着:“我的视力不知道有没有下降?”“我不知道长多高了?”“我肯定又长胖了 。”……
不一会儿,我们就来到体检室,里面鸦雀无声 。我们就见缝插针,专挑人少的地方去检查,真希望早点知道结果 。很快,在医生一番细致认真地检查之后,我体检的大部分结果已跃然纸上 。我举目一看,视力超好,两眼都是5.3,神眼哦,这可都是少看电视、少玩电脑的功劳 。
“呀,不好!”我惊叫着,心想:没长高,却重了足足六公斤,怪不得我的脸变得圆嘟嘟了,小肚子也凸出来了 。唉,真是该长的不长,不该长的突飞猛进 。“我要长得更高,我要运动减肥……”我暗暗下定决心 。
回到家,我便开始了我的减肥大行动 。首先,我跳绳15分钟,跳得气喘吁吁,我欣喜地想:应该长高一点了吧?我迫不及待地拿来皮尺,让妈妈帮我量 。“l米24 。”“啊?怎么会呢?”我不甘心,拿起呼啦圈,拼命地甩啊甩,1分钟,2分钟……5分钟,6分钟……墙上的时钟又滴答滴答地走过了15分钟,我已满头大汗,肚子感觉麻麻的 。我得意地想着:这下应该有所改观了吧?我又拿来皮尺一量,“咦,怎么还是老样子呢?”结果没有如愿以偿,可我并没有泄气,我鼓起勇气,决定去外面跑步 。我绕着小区跑了5圈,当我筋疲力尽地回到家,在电子秤上一站,“呀,怎么还是48公斤啊!”我像泻了气的皮球,一屁股坐在沙发上 。爸爸似乎看出了我的心思:“宇柠,想减肥啊?”“是啊,爸爸,你看!”我撅着嘴,把体检表递给爸爸,“你看,我一年一点也没有长高,反而体重增加了这么多 。我想多运动就可以减肥,可以长高,没想到我练跳绳,转呼啦圈,跑步,一点效果也没有,我不减了 。”这时,爸爸语重心长地说:“做一件事不可能一蹴而就,要持之以恒,坚持不懈,这样才会有所收获 。减肥需要时间、耐心和毅力,就像学习一样 。”