刺激的游戏作文怎么写?( 二 )

如果在学生回答了那些关于马克思的知识后,教师大讲马克思的革命活动、国际共运史,学生如坠入云雾 。无所适从,很难说学生学习课文时有什么收获 。
(三) 趣味性要强 。教师设计导语时应抓住学生心理,激起学生兴趣,使学生在轻松、愉快的环境中带着兴趣去学习新内容,这样课堂效果会明显加强 。在讲Lady Silkworm时,我这样设计了导语:
Do you know how the silk worm is formed in Chinese“蚕”? The Chinese character蚕consists of “heaven” and “worm”.Yes, the silk worm means“the worm” comes from heaven.Would you like to know why? How? There is an interesting story about it.Today,we’11 learn this interesting and beautiful story.The title is “Lady Silkworm”.Now turn to page?
I know all of us have known something about insurance and I also know all of us had covered the insurance when we entered the schoo1.Now please answer me what you
have covered.
一些学生回答:Life insurance.
接着我又问了一个问题;“Why did you cover life insurance?”一些学生回答:We can get compensation when we meet with risks.
紧接着我又问了一个问题:Do you think it is neceary to cover the insurance in the international trade? 学生齐声回答:yes.
因此,我就用下列话启发他们:In busine the goods of every transaction,from the seller to the buyer,usually cover a long way.During this,the goods perhaps meet with unexpected risks.In order to shift the risks and avoid the loes,the owner of the goods always cover the insurance.Today we’11 learn some knowledge about insurance.I hope you can master well. 有了以上导语,学生对课文产生了兴趣,急于想学习保险知识 。为上好本节课打好了基础 。
(四) 要灵活机动 。课堂导语与教学内容一脉相承,丰富的教学内容决定了课堂导语的丰富性、多样性 。这就需要灵活机动地设置导语 。有的用于新学期之始,借导语使学生对要学的内容有个整体认识;有的用于篇章之间,借导语承上启下,加强了教学的连贯性;有的用于讲课开始}有的用于授课结束等等 。总之,要根据学习内容灵活机动地设置导语.不能流于形式 。
This is the first time you have attended English cla in our specialized sch001.Maybe you are wondering about:Is English taught in the same way as in the middle school? Is English very important to us? How can we study it well to meet the requirements?Now I must tell you that English is the most important subject to us,for you are students of Foreign Trade Major.So every one of you must study hard to master as much knowledge as you can,so that you can do well after finishing sch001.Here I also tell you that English is not taught in the same way as well as English knowledge and I’11 speak much more English than Chinese in cla and encourage you to speak English too.So you have to prepare your leon well before cla.