
As we all know,with the development of society,it’s not just mean you can live more comfortable,but also,danger is closing to you.
Yes,Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important iue.The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.One of the most serious problems is the serious
pollution of air, water and soil.You know, the polluted air does great harm to people’s health.The polluted water causes diseases and death.What’s more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.
We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.
So,are we really can’t change it? No!
The third world environmental protection conference held in Beijing in 2010.To protect the
environment, governments of many countries have done a lot.Many concerned experts have made some progre in environmental protection.Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.
But,Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems.
In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.because more people means more
pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.
If we try our best to save the earth, it’s sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.
Thank you!


Now, patches of forest became less factories. Endless grassland into desert, limpid streams into a muddy gutter, beautiful grassland into a barren desert. Why? Why is this? This is because people caused by deforestation.
The earth is home to the survival of people, and the human is continues to destroy it, people cut trees have purify air, reduce noise and adjust the temperature, and other functions; Being pulled out of the grass and people to remove the flowers to beautify the environment. You imagine, if it were not for the plant, our living environment?
These days, many wild animals has become the plate of food, fine furniture, gorgeous dress. You think about these wild animals to buy me a life brought a lot of fun, without these lovely animals, our life will become special boring. Rose up in the morning, can't hear the birds chirping and crisp sound, can't see the kitten doggie smile to you, can only see the strange and hard faces, that is bad!