新人自我介绍( 二 )

****** peon is orld-famous.ever ear, man tourists travel to ****** to see the beaut of peon .the people in m hometon are friendl, the ele the travellers from all over the orld.i like m hometon ver muh.I am ver glad to be here for this intervie.I graduated from ****** College in Jul, **** and major in finane.Then, I as a teaher in ab, When I as a senior shool student, I am interested in thought and began to read a ertain lai ork of Marxism, espeiall I finished reading the florilegium of Mao ZeDong .From then on, I have dabbled in more and more theoretial orks and aumulated great interests in theor stud, espeiall in Marxism.I have a dream, a dream of m stud.I ish devote m hole life and energ into the development of the Marxism.If I have the opportunit to stud in ab Universit, I ll dabble in as muh as doument about the speialt as poible.If it is poible, I ant to get the primar aplishment in m major, at least, a stable basis.Personall, for toda s China, the first task to the development of Marxism is a proe of onstrution.That s to sa, e should understand Marxism mostl from the aspet of onstrution and development of soial soiet.Onl hen our soialisti ountr has a more rapid and balane development than
the apitalisti, e an enhane the attrativene and persuasion of Marxism eventuall.Thank ou ! 新人英文自我介绍
各位领导(同事) , 你们好 , 我是XXX , 很荣幸的 , 我来到了贵单位工作 , 我的兴趣是xxxx , 特长是xxxx , 希望在新的工作单位 , 我可以更好地发挥我的特长 , 同时感谢贵公司对我的信任 , 我一定会尽善尽美 , 努力工作 。在今后的日子里 , 如果我有什么做的不好的地方 , 希望各位多多指教 。谢谢!


はめまし 。黒崎千鶴と申しま 。某メーカーのOLをし18年になりま 。部署柄、新人教育や社員研修、自己啓発セミナーに携わる機会が多いのでが、 うした場面でいつ感るとがありま 。
それは、皆さん多くのかたが自己紹介の大切さをあまり理解しおられないというとで 。
それと、あまり重要視しいないというとが言えるのでしょうか 。
ユニークで好感がる新人さんがたくさんいらっしゃいま 。
最初の印象とはかなり違うので 。
いきなり自分らしさを出せと言われ戸惑うとでしょう 。