
现在国际交流频繁 , 国际贸易也增多了 , 很多商务会议会邀请到国外嘉宾出席 , 以下就是小编整理的会议邀请函英文 , 一起来看看吧!
会议邀请函英文1Related enterprises:
To promote the industrialization of agriculture, commercial construction, promote the name special new agricultural and sideline products production, proceing and marketing docking, agricultural enterprises
social institutions and financing docking, characteristics exploitation of agricultural resources and hightech research results into the butt.
The purpose of pragmatic, efficient, convenient thrift, Chinese busine enterprise management Aociation of Rural Busine Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as Chinas Rural Commercial Commiion) 20XX is scheduled for early September XX in Beijing held 20XX.Beijing special new agricultural and sideline products production, sale and development of cooperation Fair.
Fair fitting in the selection of a certain strength of a special new agricultural and sideline products production
Industry Aociation), in Beijing selection about 10 largescale wholesale markets, supermarket chains, also invited some institutions buy units, and benefit of financial institutions, Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the news media to participate in, and invited the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, all China Federation of supply and marketing cooperatives, ministries and leaders to attend.Sincerely welcome the willingne of participation and support of busine registration, the title sponsor of this event.The relevant matters are as follows:
The organizer: Chinese Commercial Commiion
Support unit: Information center of the Ministry of Agriculture
Time and place:
Time: 20XX in early September (2 days), the specific time to be registered after the notification of the participating units,
Location: seven Beijing Road, No.22 Fengtai District Zhuang Yingxiang hotel.
会议邀请函英文2Dear sir / madam:
We are very pleased to invite you to participate in the twentyeighth seion of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference on food and Agriculture Organization of the Asia Pacific region, which will be held in Beijing on twentyfirst Century 1516, held by the United Nations Food and agriculture organization.The theme of this meeting is: from the agenda to the action following the non governmental organization for food sovereignty forum.
The consultation meeting was organized by the Asian Aociation of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the international food sovereignty Commiion (IPCAsia), and the cooperation of the China International Civil organization.By then, more than 80 private organizations from the Asia Pacific region more than 100 representatives will attend the meeting.The conference declaration will be held in the 27 seion of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Asia Pacific Conference on May 1721.