It seemed that Krogstad was a bad behavior person in the drama.Dr.Rank described Krogstad: “There is a man in there with Helmer who’s a moral cripple.” (Ibsen 506-507).He used Nora’s forged signature, and the purpose was that he wanted
to keep his position in the bank.Just as his action, it made that Nora was blamed by her husband, and it also made Nora left his husband.However, because Mrs.Linde abandoned him, and he also had two children.This made that his life was casted in a shadow.But after conversation with Mrs.Linde, he gave up his threat thinking.In fact, he may be not an evil man.Maybe he was affected by the social environment, and it seemed like a bad behavior man.
In the end of the drama, the appearance that the family had a happy life was not existence.No doubt, Torvald’s characteristic of selfish and hypocrisy was exposed.In his heart, Nora liked a doll in the family, and it seemed that she was not importance.Therefore, the author showed a real relationship in the family to us.
After reading the drama “A Doll’s House”, in my opinion, no matter what is the appearance or no matter what the truth is hidden behind the appearance.When reading a fiction or drama, we should understand the real meaning and truth other than only stay in the surface.Just as the life, in front of the love, people should seek for the real love with practice, and we should not be inducted by wonderful words.
圣诞节前一天,娜拉·海尔茂仍忙于进行最后的采购 。因为这是她结婚以来第一个不用精打细算的圣诞节 。她丈夫托伐刚刚被任命为一家银行的经理,这样新年一过,他们就不会再愁没有钱花了 。她买了一棵圣诞树并为孩子们买了许多玩具 。她甚至舍得买一些她最喜欢吃的杏仁饼,虽然托伐并不完全赞成吃这种点心 。他非常爱他的妻子,不过,他对娜拉的看法跟娜拉的父亲非常相似,也就是说,都把她当作一个逗人的“娃娃”——一件玩物 。
的确,她和丈夫相处的时候有时像个孩子 。时而噘嘴板脸,时而软磨硬泡,时而又喋喋不休——因为这正是托伐所喜欢的;没有这些东西,他也就不会喜欢他的玩偶妻子了 。事实上,娜拉不是娃娃,而是个女人,有女人的爱情、希望和忧虑 。这在七年前就已表现出来 。当时她刚生下第一个孩子,托伐害了一场病 。医生说他如果不立即出国就会死去 。娜拉走投无路 。她没法和托伐商量,因为她知道他宁可死也不愿负债 。她又不能去找她父亲,因为他自己就是一个行将谢世的老人 。于是,她做了当时惟一能做的事 。她假冒父亲的签字向放债人柯洛克斯泰借了二百五十镑,供托伐到意大利去疗养 。
柯洛克斯泰为人苛刻,因此娜拉必须变着法子按期还钱 。每次托伐给她钱买新衣服和其它东西,她起码要省下一半,而且还要想别的路子去挣钱 。有一个冬天她曾为别人抄抄写写,但她始终向托伐保密,因为他一直以为那次旅费是娜拉父亲给的 。
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