科技发展的作文怎么写?( 六 )

人类还依靠高科技发明了很多药物,有些药物根本就是毒,吸毒不仅危害人的健康,而且一旦染上就戒不掉 。还有名人也吸毒:像费尔普斯还吸麻呢!人类到底是怎么想的?不要命直接说,何必折磨自己呢?
还有许多人懒得死,就依靠高科技发明了毒药,像敌敌畏……,真是,没法说!这些毒药不仅要了想死的人的命,还残害了许多无辜人的命 。那些人或是小孩,生命之花还没来得及开放,就提早的凋零了;或是成年人,生命之花开的起劲,就过早的掐掉了根;还有一些人是老年人,花朵耷拉着脑袋,马上就要凋谢了,可那些人还不肯放过他们,用毒药将花须破坏,这就是高科技的结果 。
在如今的社会我们要不断地发展科技,但是我们不能把新的科技利用在损害个人和国家的利益之上 。这样的科技发展才是我们所大力发展的,这样的可以才会为我们带来很多的福利 。


Nowadays, technology is transforming the way we live, work, learn and play.Although the growing number of people complain that foil resource shortage and environmental pollution has aggravated due to the development of technology, it is undeniable that technology has made the world a better place to live.In my opinion, technology has made people\\'s lives more comfortable.There are many justifications supporting my opinion.Firstly, the communication between people is becoming faster and easier.Using the internet,we can make friends from different countries and share our feelings with them online.Also, we can send E-mails to our friends in a few minutes Instead of writing letters or sending postcards, the emergence of Internet enables us to send E-mails to our friends in a few minutes and know the latest information worldwide immediately.
Secondly, technology has made our lives more and more convenient.For example, at the beginning, people used to travel on foot which would take them a great amount of time and energy.But now we have cars, airplanes and high-speed trains which make our journey faster and more comfortable这最好举个例子让你的论点更充分有力 for example,我来自中国,每回我都要坐飞机8小时来到美国,在过去跨洋出国读书是非常困难的,一般坐船要花费好几周,所以感谢飞机将我快速地送到这里和大家一起读书.With the help of modern transportation vehicles , people can go everywhere they prefer to.
Last but not least, advanced medical treatment and technology lengthen people’s lifespan.
A concreteexample can give some light to this point.At the stone age, our ancestors’ average age was about 25, because…没有医疗设备,人们的防护意识也不够,一些简单的流行病就会夺去好多人的性命,such as 流感、天花.However, after people discovered the mysteries of gene, many fatal deceases which were considered incurable before can now be treated and cured.Now people’s average age is two or three times of that time.