陌生人作文怎么写?( 三 )

可是那位叔叔却把我扶了起来,并帮我捡起了伞,还把伞把擦了一下,“没事,没事,我回家洗一下就行了 。”叔叔一边把伞递给我,嘴里一边说着 。听了叔叔的话,我心里就像打翻了五味瓶,酸、甜、苦、辣、咸样样俱全,我不好意思的转过了身 。
公交车继续向前开着,不知是不是下雨天的原因,车行驶的好好的突然又是一个急刹车 。我害怕又发生刚才的事,脚下用力踩着,身体却随着那股冲力向前冲去,幸亏旁边一只手一把拉住我,我才站住脚 。回头一看,还是那位叔叔,他笑了一下,说道:“手抓紧,小心一点,别摔跤了 。”顿时,一股暖意冲上了我的心头,尽管外面还下着倾盆大雨……
新华书店到了,我到站了 。下了车后,我回过头,笑着向那位叔叔挥了挥手,叔叔也对我笑了一笑 。
就是那一抹微笑,让我永远也忘不了 。


Write an eay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in which you helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.
A wonderful experience We could meet all kinds of men in our life, and someone can bring us some precious experiences.Therefore I believe everyone has a warm heart, which is willing to help others.On a summer afternoon, everywhere was extremely hot, as the sun was stronger than ever.I hurried to go to school so that I have an appointment with my intimate friends, so I hadn\\'t no sunshades and caps.Thanks to my anxiety, suddenly I felt dizzy.After I took several steps, I fell on the floor and closed my eyes.The heat made me faint.After half an hour, I opened my eyes.I took sight of an old man beside me.He told me that I was suffering from heatstroke.When he saw me, he took me to the shade and purchased some ice-cold water to feed me in order to cool down.And then he always accompanied me.Therefore I was grateful to him, and asked his name to thanks him, however he didn\\'t accept my requirement.This wonderful experience which a stranger gave a hand to me moved me.I believe we are kind to everyone, we could gain happine.Therefore I have a warm and grateful heart to others all the time.


终于盼到放假了,本以为爸爸妈妈在家,一家人就可以一起聊天,看电视,上公园玩,可今天不同,由于爸爸上班,妈妈去了外婆家,剩下我一个人在家,我觉得非常无聊,就会自己屋去练写做了。忽然,我听到敲门声,以为是妈妈回来了,心里一阵欢喜 。马上放下笔,走出屋子 。萌萌开门,我走到门前,问道您是谁呀、我是您叔叔呀,是你爸爸的朋友,快开门呀 。我觉得这个数数的声音从 来没听过。