海洋作文怎么写?( 五 )

趁着父母还在,好好孝敬自己的老人吧,不要等到“子欲养而亲不在”的时候而后悔 。母亲节是母亲的节日,是天下的子女应该铭记于心的日子,然而节日只是节日,孝敬父母不只在这一天,只要心中长存感恩,哪怕一个电话一个问候,父母都会感到满足 。简简单单的一首《常回家看看》都能让父母热泪盈眶,可见父母是多么需要儿女们的照顾和关爱!
百善孝为先 。孝敬父母是中华民族的传统美德,不要让世俗的生活麻痹了自己 。记住,拥有父母,你就是幸福的 。


Ocean—our hope As we all know,according to most theories of evolution,,all lives comes from the ocean.So ocean is the mother of all the lives.Humans should take good care of ocean.,which is not only good for the earth,but also for humans.Many people say that the 21st century is called the Ocean Century,i am deeply in favor of this appoint.Human society has attained great achievements since the first industrial revolution.Most of people live good lives.we are much happier than anytime in history.However,with the development of human society,human beings has done great damage to the earth.Many forests disappear from peoples’ sights,more and more animals are not seen in the eyes of people.A lot of people can’t drink clean water,can’t eat enough food.In addition,energy and some minerals become more and more expensive because of shortne and our environment becomes fragile owning to peoples’ over-exploitation.As a result,people move their eyes to the ocean from land.The ocean is hope to human beings.In order to protect and make good use of our ocean,as far as i’m concerned,people should take effective measurements.Firstly,we can hold all kinds of activities which purpose is to raise peoples’ awarene about protecting our ocean.Teachers ought to educate students the knowledge of ocean and not to throw rubbish on the beach or the surface of ocean.Secondly,government should make rigid laws and rules to protect people from damaging or polluting the ocean.For example,companies and individuals who overexploited fish or discharged sewage to the ocean should be punished deeply.At the same time,people could also make good use of ocean.we can use waves and tide to produce electricity.There is much oil or some other energy under the ocean.Besides,marine cultivation offers people sustainable seafood and people can have relax on or under the ocean.The ocean is the mother of human beings,only if people take proper ways to protect and love her can we have a beautiful and happy future.


深圳海洋公园,位于享有“黄金海岸”的小梅沙附近 。
一进海洋公园大门,右侧有一座标本室,有各种鱼类、贝类、珊瑚类的生物标本,让人情不自禁的想到要爱护小动物 。出去标本室,我们来到北极熊和北极狐的饲养点,白狐和白熊都很可爱,听说白狐还会抛媚眼呢!看完这些之后,我迫不及待的穿过小桥,进入海底隧道 。一进隧道,里面有笨拙的海龟,有勇猛的鲨鱼,鲨鱼和小鱼很和谐,就像一家人!它们尽情的游玩、嬉戏 。