
带着好奇的心,我坐着地铁来到了世博园 。首先我看到了许多建筑风格不同的馆,还有那一排排好似长龙的队伍 。我最先来到的是巴基斯坦馆,一进门就有许多照片,上面有很多伟人,展现的是中巴友谊 。在拥挤的人群中,我幸运地拍下了那精彩的一瞬间,馆内还有许多我们平常见不到的物品,妈妈就买了一条项链作为纪念 。
在接下来的行程中,只要看到一个馆就拍一张照片,因为这样可以给我留作纪念 。后来我们又去了阿拉伯联合馆、以色列馆和中国航空馆 。在航空馆里,我戴着3D眼镜,坐着灵巧的小车来了一次“太空游” 。
一行人又出发了,走啊走,便走进了那雄伟的中国馆 。我进入大厅之后便马上看到了“倒挂的城市”,地上还有以各个城市名组成的斑马线,我还找到了宁波呢!不一会儿我便走到了“岁月回眸”,四个时代的典型家居场景顿时映入我的眼帘,之后,我看见了样子逼真的《清明上河图》,让我领略了中国古代城市的风貌 。
看完了《清明上河图》便坐上小火车开始了“寻觅之旅” 。慢慢的,小火车开过了桥区、斗拱区、规划区、园林区,下车后还参观了一号铜车马和许多中国的国宝 。看到了中国的未来和绿色超级水稻,我还和它合了影呢!
我看到了中国的未来,他是那么美好 。走出世博园,我呼吸到的空气是那么清新,一切都是美好的,让我们好好地去珍惜这一切吧!


My name is XXX.I was born in Xi\\'an.I lived in the Xi\\'an for nearly XX years.Now, please let me introduce Xi\\'an, one of the most historical city in China, to you.
As everybody knows, Xi\\'an, is the capital of the Shannxi province in China and it is a political, economic, cultural and transportation center of shaanxi province.As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi\\'an is one of the four great ancient capitals of China, because it is the capital of thirteen dynasties, including the Qin, Han and Tang dynasties.Its long history and rich cultural heritage have influenced generations of Chinese people, including me.
I had to introduce some attractions in Xi\\'an.As a world-famous attraction, Terra Cotta Warriors is located in Xi\\'an Lintong County which is surrounded by Lishan, Huaqing Hot Springs and the other famous attractions.If you have not been to Terra Cotta Warriors, you can\\'t imagine it\\'s prosperous and powerful in Qin Dynasty.As people all know, there are some other attractions in Xi\\'an, such as Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Eild Goose Pagoda, Bell Tower, Drum Tower and so on.They are also the historical attractions where tourists have to go, if the one want to know more about Xi\\'an or even Chinese cultural.
Xi\\'an not only has a long history of Chinese history cultural, but also has a long history of Chinese food cultural.Hui minority street which contains almost all of the snacks in Xi\\'an.If you visit Xi\\'an in summer, you have to taste the cold fermented glutinous rice(Lao Zao) which is made by restaurant owner who is kind-hearted and the cold rice noodles(Liang Pi) which can relieve summer heat for you.If you visit Xi\\'an in winter, you have to taste the most claic food which name is Mutton Soup with Bread in english and Yang Rou Pao Mo in