改写绝句作文格式怎么样?( 五 )

Secondly, there is an oversupply of graduates with certain specialty, and this oversupply is increasing.The result is that many of them cannot
enter the profeion for which they are trained and have to take other jobs which even do not require a college degree.
On the other hand, the disparity in pay between intellectual work and busine management has frustrated the hope and ambition of the graduates who major in education, administration and liberal arts.
College graduates are, so to speak, valuable resources in our country.The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention form the colleges and the government.The colleges should get students out of the ivory tower and gear their courses to the real needs of industry and busine; while the government should provide college graduates with more vocational opportunities, better working conditions and decent salaries.
开头用“according to”对图表简单进行叙述,在核心段用“one reason is that; secondly;on the other hand”进行详细论证 。最好结尾表达自己的观点,总结全文并回答文章开头所提出的问题 。
春天,风景格外秀丽 。寒冷的冬天过去了,温暖的春风吹遍了田野上的每一个角落,送来了花草的清香 。灿烂的阳光照耀在大地上,唤醒了大地的万物,给世界
带来了无穷的希望 。
鸟儿叽叽喳喳地叫着,鸟妈妈往刚出世的小鸟嘴里喂食,小草伸了伸懒腰,慢慢地拱出地面,脸上还挂着晶莹的露珠 。前些天还是光秃秃的树上抽出了新的枝条,长出了嫩绿的叶子 。太阳公公不知什么时候,悄悄的拨开雨雾,露出了它那红扑扑的脸庞 。它俯瞰大地,仿佛也在欣赏春天早晨大自然的美丽景色……
天,像琢磨得非常光滑的蓝宝石,又像织的很精致的蓝缎子 。看起来,他好像离你很近,只要一伸手就可以摸到一样 。他又好像离你很远,怎么也不能接近,蓝莹莹的天空陪衬着雪白的云,很是好看 。天空的白云,在头上一片片飘过,这边的飘去,那边的飘来:有时停着不动,聚集起来,变化出各种形状,一时像渔翁,一时像绵羊 。他们的姿态是那么美妙,又是那么有趣 。