厦门作文如何写?( 二 )

我想,人终究还是应该被温柔所包围的 。人不是孤岛,而是群岛 。擅自把自己剥离群体的行为是愚蠢的,轻易抛弃生命漠视世界的行为是不負责任的 。
看似弱不禁风的小岛,却有一份处变不惊的淡定 。小岛上的人们安居乐业,小岛上的人们幸福安康,小岛上的人们很快乐 。
厦门有一种海之情怀,可以消解痛苦,可以掩埋遗恨 。


A Lovely City
Xiamen is one of the most interesting and attractive cities on the coast.Although the weather can be quite cold in the winter, it is pretty hot and wet in the summer, and the people there are very friendly.As a result there are a lot of tourists all year round, which can be a bother to the local people.
s been six years since Xiao Li and his friend last saw each other, so he showed his friend around the city.First they drove to the busine district of the city.There are a great many high-rise buildings, apartment blocks and shopping malls.But the rent for an apartment there is very high.Then they approached the western district, the most interesting part of the city, Where there’
re some really pretty parks.Acro the harbor, there is a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture.That is one of the most famous places of interest in Xiamen, Gulangyu Island.


今年暑假,我去了厦门,游玩了许多好玩的景点 。其中,最让我印象深刻的就数鼓浪屿了 。但是,让我回味无穷的不仅仅只是鼓浪屿里的美食和风景,更是一次难忘的“盖章记” 。
一到厦门,听闻了厦门有一个特色——凡是一些有名的景点,都有一些特色的印章,鼓浪屿也不例外 。
进入鼓浪屿后,我和同行的一些小伙伴匆匆买了一本盖章本,就开始了我们的盖章之旅 。
“张三疯……张三疯……”我在嘴里默念着,眼睛急切的寻找,可却找不到所谓的“张三疯欧式奶茶铺” 。“啊!王彧姐姐,王彧姐姐!”张三疯“在这儿,在这儿!!!”同行的弟弟的语气中满是兴奋、激动 。我们前仆后拥地往盖章处跑去 。
盖好章后,看着上面盖着的印章,兴奋感、满足感和成就感一齐涌上心头,萦绕在我身边久久不肯离去 。
慢慢地,我们对盖章也就熟悉了不少,每每路过一家店时,就会激动万分地冲进点里,看见哪有章盖就往哪儿跑,有时找不到盖章处,就像无头苍蝇似的撞来撞去 。嘻嘻!现在想起来都还有些回味无穷 。