改写白鹭作文怎么写?( 三 )

One reason perhaps is that many colleges and universities fail to get their curricula to the development of industries.Degree courses offered in many colleges and universities are so out-dated and irrelevant and impractical that employers as well as students themselves find it hard to translate their book knowledge into real job skills.
Secondly, there is an oversupply of graduates with certain specialty, and this oversupply is increasing.The result is that many of them cannot
enter the profeion for which they are trained and have to take other jobs which even do not require a college degree.
On the other hand, the disparity in pay between intellectual work and busine management has frustrated the hope and ambition of the graduates who major in education, administration and liberal arts.
College graduates are, so to speak, valuable resources in our country.The problems they encounter in job hunting deserve more attention form the colleges and the government.The colleges should get students out of the ivory tower and gear their courses to the real needs of industry and busine; while the government should provide college graduates with more vocational opportunities, better working conditions and decent salaries.
开头用“according to”对图表简单进行叙述,在核心段用“one reason is that; secondly;on the other hand”进行详细论证 。最好结尾表达自己的观点,总结全文并回答文章开头所提出的问题 。
流线型的结构,全身雪白,没有一丝杂色,羽毛光滑柔软,一对俊俏的翅膀,仿佛扇子一般,飞起来有节奏的一张一合,就像是在给大自然扇风 。剪刀似的尾巴,飞起来一抖一抖的,这一切凑成了活泼可爱的白鹭 。
其实,白鹭是一首多彩的诗,雪白的蓑毛,铁色的长喙,青色的脚,一起构成了多彩白鹭 。
特别是那双修长的腿,不仅美丽,而且矫健有力,就像是一位舞蹈家,在表演“捕鱼舞” 。哦,说到“捕鱼”,白鹭实在是一位捕鱼高手呢!它站在树梢上极目眺望,眼睛一眨不眨,就像是电力十足的雷达,一看到水面有动静,立马一跃而起,闪电般飞到水面,一头扎进水里,“扑通”,接着水面绽开了一大朵晶莹洁白的水花,一眨眼的工夫,白鹭又子弹般冲出水面,浑身水淋淋的,嘴里叼着一条活蹦乱跳的鱼儿 。
虽然我们经常能看到白鹭捕鱼,但是更多的我们看到的是它在树上眺望 。清晨,白鹭早早地站立枝头,初升的太阳给它镶上了耀眼的“金缕衣”,远远望去,就像是一位光彩照人的舞蹈家在跃跃欲试,时刻准备起舞 。中午的白鹭是一位枕戈待旦的战士,动感十足,它这时候的眺望总会收获多多,每次看到平静的水面哪怕起了一点涟漪,它都会立马进入备战状态,一跃而起,那剪影就像是一把张开嘴巴的大剪刀 。晚上,吃饱喝足,但有些疲惫的白鹭依然高立枝头,时而踮起脚,伸长了脖子极目远眺,时而蹦跳着换个位置,好像是这样才能看得更广阔一些,是不是像一位“盼儿归故乡”的老母亲呢?