导语:在英语比赛开始之际 , 主持人应该准备什么主持台词呢?以下是小编为大家整理的主持英语比赛的主持词 , 欢迎大家阅读与借鉴!
男:尊敬的各位领导老师 , 亲爱的同学们 , 大家晚上好!
女:Honorable guests , ladies and gentlemen, goodevening! Welcome to “Show your life” English talent competition.Here is the final contest!
女:Let’s welcome all the guests and judges with a big round of applause!
男:在这憧憬与梦想汇成的季节 , 我们展开理想的翅膀
女:On the paionateandyouthful stage, we show our life heartily! 男:今晚 , 让我们燃烧激情 , 品味英语的魅力与文化
女:Tonight , let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true!
男:下面我宣布“Show your life”英语风采大赛现在正式开始!
女:Let’s look forward to all the teams ’wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!
男:经典的轮回 , 语言的交汇 , 比拼东西方名著与经典 , 云集古往今来的理想与现实
女:There are claical stories both from the eastern and western world, full of dreams and realities of both past and present
男:英语演绎的经典必将会给我们带来别样的精彩 , 下面进入本场比
男:经典的爱情总是为人们带来一次次刻骨铭心的感动 , 亘古不变 , 首先有请来自临床七年制的Tinker Bell为大家带来《孔雀东南飞》女:Now let us welcome the first team—Tinker Bell, and enjoy
男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演 , 有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答 , 请评委打分
女:Thank ----\\'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Tinker Bell
男:下面有请来自公共卫生学院的同学们为我们演绎《麦琪的礼物》 女:Now please enjoy
男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演 , 有请---老师对队伍进行提问 女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team.男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的回答 , 请评委打分
女:Thank ----\\'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to their performance.
男:巧妙的回答 , 深厚的友谊 , 接下来来自影像口腔专业的Light in the road将用他们精彩的表演为我们重现《威尼斯商人》那场经典的法庭对峙 , 有请他们
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