
为了拯救我的英语,妈妈可谓是“机关算尽”,又是报培训班,又是让我读英语绘本 。这不,又下载了一个学英语的APP——盒子鱼 。这会儿,妈妈正扯着嗓子叫我用这个APP学单词呢!
这个盒子鱼的课程一般分为三个步骤:1 。将零散的单词拼成一个完整的词或句子,并正确朗读;2 。观看英语短片,学习其中的英语对话;3 。连线外教,练习该课的核心知识点口语 。
于是,我按标准读音来尽力模仿 。前两项都勉强过关,而最后一个学习,可是让外国人都很少见的我既兴奋又紧张 。我平常很少看到外国人,更别谈说话了,而这次,我将直接和外教对话 。紧张当然是我的英语都谈不上水平 。
连线开始了,屏幕上出现一个外国阿姨的面孔 。相互问好之后,授课开始了 。老师叽哩哇啦说什么,我全凭猜 。连线在有惊无险中结束了,我差点没累死 。


Why Are There So Many Rural Laborersin Big Cities ?
For a number of years, there have been a steady rise in the number of rural laborers who flood into big cities.Many men work on construction sites, while women work as dish-washers in restaurants or baby-sitters for city dwellers.Why this happens ? I think because the following main reasons :
First, the limited land can no longer produce enough crops for an ever-increasing rural population.Second, there are far more opportunities in big cities -where rural laborers dream of earning more money through hard work.Last but by no means least, many of them want to live permanently in big cities, because they admire the way of living there, and wish their chldren to receive good education.
I firmly believe that if we try our best to create a healthy social atmosphere, rural laborers will make greater contribution to our nation.


早晨,我早早起床,因为今天是我第一次学英语的`日子,我高兴地一蹦三尺高,像一只快乐的小鸟,吃完早饭,妈妈送我到“环球国际英语”去学英语 。
一到这个学校,我就跑到自己的G班,发现全班同学都是二(2)班的老同学,一共5个人,我惊讶地把嘴巴张的老大,都可以吞下一个苹果了,哈哈哈哈 。
上课了,老师介绍了她了自己,她的英文名字叫“sherry”,这个名字还有来源呢因为老师喜欢吃雪梨,所以叫“sherry”,老师一一为我们取了英文名,我的英文名叫“Ann” 。老师教了我们3个字母A、B、C,还教了字母歌,ABCDEFG——,我们还学习了苹果(apple),猫(cat),书本(book) 。
我本来以为学英语很难,但没想到学英语可以带来这么多知识和乐趣,我喜欢学英语 。