厦门作文格式怎么样?( 六 )

作为一个多姿多彩的厦门,三角梅花在厦门是不可或缺的 。厦门几乎每个家庭都种三角李 。厦门有这么多花的原因是这里的花正在开放,草正在开放,灌木正在开放,树木正在开放 。梧桐树是一种喜光植物,寿命很长 。它的叶子、花、根和种子可以用作药物 。它的种子也可以用来烹饪和榨油 。对各种有毒气体有很强的吸附性 。
厦门不仅有五彩缤纷的花,还有五彩缤纷的建筑 。在厦门古雅的双子塔里,有可怕的密室可以逃离,西式汉堡,快乐电影院等等 。你可能会说这在其他地方也能看到,但是集美的嘉庚楼是独一无二的 。陈嘉庚先生在东南亚呆了22年,亲身经历了帝国主义殖民者的压迫和欺凌 。当他富有时,他希望他的孩子有好的学校,培养更多的人来建设一个强大的国家 。他花钱修建了厦门大学和许多闽南特色的建筑,这在其他地方是看不到的 。
厦门的食物也很丰富多彩 。在中山路或厦门的其他街道上,有闽南特产,如沙爹面和姜鸭 。那么沙爹面的味道很诱人 。有汤、面条、虾、鱼等等,非常美味 。
多彩的厦门,美丽的画卷 。她已经吸引了世界的很多注意力 。这让我想起了一首诗:“享受色彩之美,置身于一个绘画世界 。”


A Lovely City
Xiamen is one of the most interesting and attractive cities on the coast.Although the weather can be quite cold in the winter, it is pretty hot and wet in the summer, and the people there are very friendly.As a result there are a lot of tourists all year round, which can be a bother to the local people.
s been six years since Xiao Li and his friend last saw each other, so he showed his friend around the city.First they drove to the busine district of the city.There are a great many high-rise buildings, apartment blocks and shopping malls.But the rent for an apartment there is very high.Then they approached the western district, the most interesting part of the city, Where there’
re some really pretty parks.Acro the harbor, there is a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture.That is one of the most famous places of interest in Xiamen, Gulangyu Island.


【厦门作文格式怎么样?】厦门是我国东南部的一座海滨风景城市,由厦门本岛,鼓浪屿,内陆九龙江北岸,沿海地区,及附近小岛.海域和同安区等组成,有过“文明城市”的称号,是旅游的好地方 。
坐在BRT公交上从窗外望去,各种各样川流不息的汽车像一条长龙,道路两旁的绿化翠绿翠绿的,那些不显眼的小花配在中间,上面还不时有几只蝴蝶蜜蜂停在上面,美丽极了 。