厦门作文怎么写?( 三 )

厦门是多么富饶!还有一些壮观奇丽的景色 , 不能够一一列举 , 若要讲完厦门的美丽景色 , 估计三天三夜也讲不完;若要列举厦门的美好事物 , 再大的纸也写不尽!
美丽的海滨城市厦门 , 拥有无限魅力!


A Lovely City
Xiamen is one of the most interesting and attractive cities on the coast.Although the weather can be quite cold in the winter, it is pretty hot and wet in the summer, and the people there are very friendly.As a result there are a lot of tourists all year round, which can be a bother to the local people.
s been six years since Xiao Li and his friend last saw each other, so he showed his friend around the city.First they drove to the busine district of the city.There are a great many high-rise buildings, apartment blocks and shopping malls.But the rent for an apartment there is very high.Then they approached the western district, the most interesting part of the city, Where there’
re some really pretty parks.Acro the harbor, there is a gorgeous island with some really interesting architecture.That is one of the most famous places of interest in Xiamen, Gulangyu Island.
早晨 , 太阳羞涩地躲到了云层里 , 没有一丝风 , 让人感觉特别惬意 。我迫不及待地冲出家门 , 来到校门口集合 。参加活动的同学们陆陆续续地来了 , 大家都兴高采烈的 , 因为今天我们要和爸爸妈妈去园博园参加亲子活动 。车在公路上飞快地行驶 , 我们的心也跟着飞向了美丽的园博园 。
刚进园博园大门 , 一座气势雄伟、造型优美的大桥映入眼帘 。桥头有两个色彩鲜艳的花灯拱门 , 桥两旁挂了一串红红的灯笼 , 我们似乎又回到了元宵节 。桥的另一端立着一把“竖琴” 。过了大桥 , 只见道路两旁绿树成荫 , 鲜花盛开 。音乐喷泉池里横卧着一条金色的龙灯 , 龙头高高昂起 , 似乎要腾空而飞 , 几匹白色的马灯与龙灯相互辉映 , 构成了一副龙马精神图 。我们在喷泉栈道跑来跑去 , 犹如在雨林中穿梭 , 开心极了 。我们又去参观编钟 , 这些来自古代的乐器能发出美妙的音符来 , 我们好奇地东敲敲西碰碰 , 可怎么也敲不出一首动听的曲子来 。野餐的时间到了 , 家长们拿出精心准备的食物 , 有煎饼、寿司、饺子、春卷等 , 看着这些丰盛的午餐 , 我们的口水都快流出来了 , 大家戴上手套 , 迫不及待地吃了起来 。黄玉坤的妈妈没有来 , 黄玉坤带来了妈妈拿手好菜----啤酒鸡翅 , 黄玉坤像做广告似的对他妈妈的手艺大加赞赏 , 结果他的鸡翅最先被抢吃一空 。吃饱喝足后 , 我们又参观了有江南特色的小镇 , 红色的门窗 , 白色的墙 , 灰色的瓦 , 小桥流水 , 杨柳依依 , 让人似乎回到了古代 。接着我们又进入一个有异域风情的`园林 , 一座白色泰式风格的建筑掩映在绿树丛中 , 我们这群猴子一个接一个地爬上去 , 和它来了个亲密合照 。