大学生周记怎么写?( 四 )

I go up the stream in quest of him,but the way is difficult and steep.
I go down the stream in quest of him,and lo! He is on the islet in the midst of the water.
The reeds and rushes are abundant,and the white dew is not yet ceased.
Theman, of whom Ithink,is on the bank of the river.
I go up the stream in quest of him,but the way is difficult and turns to the right.
【大学生周记怎么写?】I go down the stream in quest of him,and lo! He is on the island in the midst of the water.
4: Nov.27.2010
What a great day! Today, the 16th Asian game in Guangzhou China was end, and China gets a historical breakthrough, our athletes acquired totally 416 medals with 199 gold medals, 119 silver medals, and 98 copper metals.What a great achievement! No matter the number of totally metals, number of gold metals, number of silver metals, or number of copper metals, all first.I am very proud of our country, and our athletes.
5: Dec.21.2010
The 8 China (Guangzhou) International Automobile Exhibition is opening today.There are many kinds of beautiful automobiles and many beautiful models.Guangzhou Motor Show this year is the most ever exhibition scale, well-known auto and auto parts at home and abroad more than 600 exhibitors.Including China FAW, Volkswagen, and General Motors…In December 20 media day, held a major domestic and foreign car manufacturers launch dozens of new cars.World debut th
vehicle, the Asian debut cars, and the number of cars in China are starting to create a new record of Guangzhou auto show.This is anindustrial occasion, another wonderfulpageant in our country.
6: Dec.31.2010
The final examination is coming, so I have to put my hand to it.Even though, it is driving me crazy.I must face it.I believe that I can pa them, because after a period time of studying, I have already grown up, I have learned how to live be myself, how solve problems by myself, and how to study efficient.Text is a part of learning, but it is not end of learning.I am more confidence than before and I waiting for new challenges.


实习周记 一
从学校到社会的大环境的转变,身边接触的人也完全换了角色,老师变成老板,同学变成同事,相处之道完全不同 。突然面对这么大的转变,我知道我必须得适应 。好在同事们都很乐意帮助我,这也给我了很大的动力去学习每件事情 。
才来的那天最糗的事情就是去复印一点资料 。平时在学校复印东西都是打印店的人复印的,从来没有自己亲手复印过 。以为也没什么难的吧,谁知道我弄了半天都没复印出来,想想这么简单的事情又不好意思问同事,可急死我了 。好在一个同事姐姐看见了,主动教我怎么用,还跟我说以后再有什么不懂的就问她,不用觉得不好意思 。后来我就经常请教同事问题了,不会再觉得有什么好尴尬的了 。