中秋团圆_中秋节作文500字怎么写?( 四 )

到了夜晚 , 我们全家人围成一桌吃着团圆饭 , 开开心心地聊着天 , 我和弟弟吃着圆圆的月饼 , 不时地望着夜空 , 不禁想起了去年的中秋之夜 。
去年的中秋 , 一吃完晚饭 , 我和姥爷等全家人便迫不急待地来到了汉江边赏月 。“出来了 , 出来了”我兴奋地叫起来 。月亮从云层中露出头半张脸 , 害羞得像个小姑娘 。慢慢地 , 圆圆的月亮升起来了 , 像一个大玉盘 , 月亮犹如一个穿着白色纱裙的仙女 , 将皎洁的月光洒向大地 , 把大地照得如同白昼 。明月嵌在天幕上 , 从月光中我仿佛看见了嫦娥姐姐在孤单地哭泣 , 她双手抱着玉免想念着自己的亲人 。这时 , 姥爷叫住了我 , “快看那里 , 好美呀!”原来月亮的影子倒映在水中 , 形成了一个水中月 , 江水倒映着周围的灯光 , 再衬托着美丽的圆月 , 真像置身于一幅美丽的画卷中 。看到此景 , 我忍不住作诗一首:中秋赏月月儿圆 , 湖水映色月极鲜 。悠悠长河似画卷 , 我们一家共婵娟 。众人一听 , 连夸我说“不错嘛 , 兴致蛮高 , 还能作诗了 。”我得意地笑了……多么难忘的中秋夜啊!
这个中秋节虽说有些遗憾 , 没有见到嫦娥姐姐 , 但我过得同样愉快 , 全家人其乐融融过节 , 团团圆圆吃饭才最重要 。


Midautumn Festival, is a China\\'s ancient holiday, because in August 15 this day is in autumn center, therefore is called Midautumn Festival.The holiday characteristic is eats the moon cake and raises the lantern.
Midautumn Festival and the lunar calendar new year are same, is a family member happy ending family member.Night of the midautumn festival, the moon roundest, is brightest, moonlight also brightest America.Each and every family food and so on fruits and melons, moon cake, suspends in the courtyard on the table, the whole family enjoys looking at the moon at the same time eats the moon cake at the same time, is precisely "the space turn only then holds, the world common people raise look", this is the how happy prospect.
Midautumn Festival\\'s traditional food is the moon cake, the moon cake is a circular, the symbolic reunion, had reflected people happy desire which reunite to the family member.Midautumn Festival eats the moon cake it is said to begin in the Yuan Dynasty, at that time, Zhu Yuanzhang led the Han Nationality people to revolt against the Yuan Dynasty tyranny, agreed in August 15 this day revolt, by presented as a gift the moon cake the means to clamp mutually the note in the moon cake transmits the news.Midautumn Festival eats the moon cake the custom then to spread in the folk.