陌生人作文写法怎么样?( 四 )

俗话说:滴水之恩,当涌泉相报 。如果当时没有那位陌生人,外婆就得不到有效的治疗,虽然我不知道哪位陌生人是谁,但我还是要跟他说一声:“谢谢您!”


他,对于我来说是一位陌生人,但他帅气的身影我又非常熟悉 。每天早晨爷爷送我上学时,都能看到他骑着酷酷的摩托车与我擦肩而过 。
今天傍晚,妈妈带我去上击剑课,我们骑着电动车来到一个路口在等红绿灯,这时,一位身材高大帅气,头戴交警头盔,身穿淡蓝色警服,外配反光马甲,腰上系着白色腰包,里面放着各种各样的工具的交警进入了我的视线 。
这位交通警察站在路边,表情严肃、认真地盯着十字路口的各个方向,手还不时地挥动,指挥来往的车辆和行人 。这时反向有一位男子骑小黄车过来,交警走了过去拦住了他,对他说了一番话,还指了指对面的马路 。我听不清他们在说些什么,也不知道这位交警为什么要这样做,也不知道骑小黄车的人违反了什么交通规则 。只听见周围的人热火朝天地讨论着,有人说:“他走反道了 。”怪不得,看着骑小黄车的人按他的指挥掉头走了,交警才低着头默默地向他的摩托车走去,他此时一定在想:不要怪我那么狠心、较真,我这样做是为你好,为你和大家的安全着想,你事后想想一定会明白的!这时,我也看清楚,原来是他,我每天早晨都会遇见的那个帅气的身影,原来他是一位交通警察呀!
天渐渐黑了,忙碌一天的人们早已下班、放学,可是像他一样的这些可敬的陌生人依然坚守在岗位,在维护城市的交通秩序,在保护我们的安全 。有了他们,我们的城市才秩序井然;有了他们,我们的城市才和谐、安宁 。


Write an eay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in which you helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.
A wonderful experience We could meet all kinds of men in our life, and someone can bring us some precious experiences.Therefore I believe everyone has a warm heart, which is willing to help others.On a summer afternoon, everywhere was extremely hot, as the sun was stronger than ever.I hurried to go to school so that I have an appointment with my intimate friends, so I hadn\\'t no sunshades and caps.Thanks to my anxiety, suddenly I felt dizzy.After I took several steps, I fell on the floor and closed my eyes.The heat made me faint.After half an hour, I opened my eyes.I took sight of an old man beside me.He told me that I was suffering from heatstroke.When he saw me, he took me to the shade and purchased some ice-cold water to feed me in order to cool down.And then he always accompanied me.Therefore I was grateful to him, and asked his name to thanks him, however he didn\\'t accept my requirement.This wonderful experience which a stranger gave a hand to me moved me.I believe we are kind to everyone, we could gain happine.Therefore I have a warm and grateful heart to others all the time.