国庆祝词如何写?( 八 )

We will stick to the policy of “peaceful reunification” and “one country, two systems” to help Hong Kong and Macao remain prosperous and stable, to seek peaceful development of cro-strait relations, and to work for the complete reunification of the motherland, which is the common aspiration of the Chinese nation.
We will unswervingly maintain an independent foreign policy of peace.We will follow a path of peaceful development.We will seek a strategy of win-win cooperation based on the five cardinal Principles of Peaceful Co-existence.We will develop friendly relations and cooperation with all nations.We join hands with the people from all over the world in pushing forward the lofty cause of making the world more peaceful and progreive and building a harmonious world of long-lasting peace and prosperity.
The Chinese People\\'s Liberation Army and People\\'s Armed Police Force should uphold their glorious traditions, build up their own strength and fulfill their miions practically so as to make new contributions to safeguarding national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, as well as world peace.
History has shown us that the road ahead may not always be as smooth as what we expect.But the Chinese people who are united and are masters of the destiny will overcome all difficulties and obstacles and will continue to create great historic undertakings.
Look forward to the future, we envision bright prospect for China\\'s development.The whole Party, the army and people of all ethnic groups will unite more closely, holding up the great banner of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and advance with the times and with enterprising spirit.Let\\'s continue to build up socialist modern nation with prosperity, democracy and harmony, move forward to realize the great goal of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and make new great contributions to the well being of humanity with our diligent work and unremitting efforts.
Long live the great People\\'s Republic of China!
Long live the great Communist Party of China!
Long live the great Chinese people!
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