Not until recent years does the high-speed train of china has a giant leap of development.And undoubtedly many changes in ways that people travel can be attributed to this development. Firstly, it’s a fast and economical way of medium-distance transportation.With the max speed close to 300kph, high-speed train is faster than anyother transportations except airplane.While the ticket price of train is significantly lower than airplane, clearly the high-speed train is the most ideal way of travel unle you are traveling to a remote place.Secondly, a train can contain more than ten carriages carrying thousands of people,while an airline cannot contain two flights simultaneouslydue to safety concern.For china is a country of large number of population, train is a more suitable way of transportation.What’s more, since flight could be delayed by bad weather and automobiles could hit traffic jam, train intends to be the most punctual way of transportation.Through reasonable arrangement, not only will we make sure every train arrive on time, but also we can completely eliminate tragic accidents happened before.
现在是早上五点钟,可能大家还沉浸在梦乡中,而我们家早已收拾好行李,洗漱进行中了 。因为我们家要去郑州 。7点钟出发,我们坐上出租车先向西站出发 。一路上很多车,因为修高速的缘故,车都走国道了,所以连三门峡交警都出动维持交通秩序了 。
终于到西站啦,天哪,不知为什么满地蛐蛐 。走进大厅,里面也有蛐蛐 。此时8点多,售票处没开门,只好用自动售票机买票 。可一查去郑州的1、2次航班、高铁都满啦,只好看去西安的,一看10:58刚好有一趟车,还有五张票,我们只好踏上了去西安的车 。
走近和谐号银白色的车身,感觉真像列车的名字一般,亲切和谐,由于高速开通不多久,所以一切都是新的 。进入车厢,我不由惊呆了,光亮的车顶,布置一新的座位,感觉好舒服啊!我真有点舍不得坐,生怕破坏了这里的宁静、温馨 。列车开动了,往窗外看去,路边的物体向身后“嗖嗖嗖”地移动着,很难分辨出到底是丘陵还是树木,但我们却丝毫感觉不到颠簸,特舒服 。听说列车平均速度在300KM/H呢! 。一路经过2个站台,12点左右我们到达了目的地……
【高铁作文300字怎么写?】我依依不舍地下了列车,回头望去,它正安静地在站台上休息呢,科技的日新月异,让我又一次领略到生活的多姿多彩 。
前几天,爸爸妈妈带我去上海科技馆游玩 。我们把汽车停在桐乡火车站,乘高铁到了上海虹桥火车站,换成地铁2号线,直达上海科技馆 。这是我第一次坐高铁和地铁 。
高铁和地铁有所不同,不同在哪里呢?让我来为你解答 。
高铁是城市与城市之间的交通工具,而地铁则是城市内的交通工具 。高铁类似火车,也可以说是高速铁路上的火车,座位宽敞、舒适、安静,最高时速可达380码,但坐在车内你感觉不到它的神速,这应该和它车窗玻璃的材料特别先进有关 。坐汽车从桐乡到上海要2个多小时,而乘高铁只要35分钟,你信吗?
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