
周记就是记载一个星期里的事情所写的记事本,类似于日记 。下面小编带来的是初一英语寒假周记,希望对你有帮助 。
Today, my father and I came to a che war.
Since the last time the challenge of the book, I have been ready, artillery, stuffy house, I was trained from the che book closely reasoned and well argued, learned two words, and Tiemenshuan belated effort.Chinese che started soon, my father and I were the red, On your marks, dad is black, I saw my father as a menacing, began to die like me.When his father went to che first, he saw that he quickly moved a "gun" to the back of the middle "pawn" and came to a gun.Hum, this is out of date! I immediately moved "horse" to the back of a "soldier" on the left.Later, we were kept in the che board "running", eat each other good children, killing pitch-dark, the parties are not resigned to playing second fiddle.In the end, I had only one horse left.My father also pointed to the remaining "Scholar".I didn\\'t pay attention to the horse and walked into the slant line of the ninth palace.When Dad looked at it, he laughed and laughed at it, and he ate my horse easily.Well, it\\'s the office again!
This che game is a game, but I got a good practice and got to know a lot of eating! I will read more books for the next time to win my father.
Students, you must know, in the winter vacation, we are very excited.Because it is not only our winter holiday, but also the annual Spring Festival of the Chinese people.In the Spring Festival family are all happy, the children still have the money to take, is really too happy.Every time I get the money, I\\'m very happy, my mother told me to save it, and then I can buy a lot of books.Every time I go to the Spring Festival, I have to ask dad to buy a lot of fireworks.In the evening, I had fireworks with my father, mother, Grandpa and grandma, and this year I was no exception.On the evening of the big year, firecrackers and fireworks were put up in all families.The sound of the sound of firecrackers, fireworks, like a wonderful music, exciting.
I looked at the beautiful fireworks in the sky, can not help but take my dad helped me to make fireworks, fireworks lit the fuse, just listen to the wind "bang bang, a beautiful fireworks, riotous with colour scattered on the sky, the bright light shine on each a happy face on.
Ah! The Spring Festival is very good, the winter vacation is really happy!
我家有两只猫咪,它们都是加菲猫 。一只叫旺福,是灰色加白色的,比较强壮,另一只叫旺宝,是黑色虎斑的,比较瘦小,它们是兄弟 。旺福是旺宝的哥哥,它们俩都住在同一个笼子里,关系很好,很调皮,常常一起打打闹闹 。
它们有些共同的特征:眼睛大大的,很有神,就像两个金色的珍珠;耳朵小小的,就像两个小三角竖在头上,恰到好处;鼻子是凹进去的,和两个眼睛在一条线上,是不是很滑稽?尾巴粗粗的,就像两根大油条,那叫声“喵喵喵”真可爱,真动听 。