高一英语作文通知怎么写?( 五 )

I used to live in a beautiful small town with green trees all around it 。The river,running through the town,had clean water in which fish could be seen swimming in groups.The house, however, were small and simple, and the street wasn’t wide enoughto run cars.People here worked hard all year round yet lived a life of no more than poverty.Now great changes have taken place here.You can see tall buildings, department stores and factories everywhere.Cars and buses are running in broad streets.But with the development of industry, pollution is becoming more and more serious.A lot of trees are gone, and fish have disappeared because of the dirty water.To our joy, people have been doing their best to stop pollution and make the town even more beautiful.我过去住在一个美丽的小城镇绿色的树木环绕 。河流,穿过城镇,有清洁的水,鱼可以看到游泳组 。房子,然而,小而简单的,和街道不宽能够运行的汽车 。这里的人们努力工作,全年但生活不超过贫困 。
现在这里已经发生了很大的变化 。你可以看到高高的大楼,百货公司和工厂到处都是 。汽车和公共汽车跑在宽阔的街道 。但随着工业的发展,污染越来越严重 。许多树都不见了,和鱼类消失因为肮脏的水 。令我们高兴的是,人们已在尽力制止污染,使城市更美丽 。
Playing football is my favorite.I fell in love with it by chance.One day, I found a football on my way home.I was so curious about the little round ball that I began to play it with my friends.From then on, football became part of my life.I often play football with my clamates after cla.
We often train ourselves, and sometimes we compete in football games in order to improve our skills.
Among all the football stars, I admire Beckham most.Itis not his handsome appearance but his skills that impre me a lot.My greatest dream is to become a profeionalfootball player in the future.踢足球是我最喜欢的 。我爱上了它的机会 。有一天,我发现了一个足球在我回家的路上 。我是如此好奇的小圆球,我开始和朋友一起玩 。从此,足球成为我生活的一部分 。我经常和我的同学一起踢足球课 。
我们经常训练自己,有时我们在竞争的足球游戏来提高自己的技能 。
在所有的足球明星,我最佩服贝克汉姆 。这不是他的英俊的外表,但他的技巧,打动了我很多 。我最大的梦想是成为一名职业足球运动员的未来 。
Dear editor,
I’m writing to tell you about the discuion we recently had about whether it is good or not for families to own cars.With the development of people’s living conditions,more and more people have their own cars.Some of us think it good to own a car.Firstly,it’s a convenient,fast and comfortable means of transportation tool.You can go to a lot of places at any time.Secondly,it shows that people are becoming richer,and the country stronger.It also makes businees and industries develop faster.Others have different opinions.They think that cars give off waste gas and pollute the environment.Too many cars will have some bad effects,such as more accidents.Besides,parking cars is another big problem.Maybe people should think carefully before they buy a car.亲爱的编辑,