
本文是关于英文求职信_英文求职信,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助, 。
在知名企业,特别是外企或500强企业的求职过程当中,一封出色的求职信是必不可少的 。而撰写一封得体的求职信可能是你在准备应聘的过程中遇到的最棘手的问题 。
Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the position advertised on the newspaper—part-time English reporter.
I am a student from Xinhua Middle School, aged 17.I think I\\m qualified for the job .First of all, as a student, I\\ve read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields.I\\m enthusiastic about English and do well not only in speaking but also in writing.Besides, I\\m easy to get along with an enjoy working together with others.Last but not least, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station.So I\\m sure I can do the job well if I get the position.
【英文求职信怎么写?】I would appreciate it if you could allow me an interview.I\\m looking forward to your reply.
Chinese is one of the world\\s major language.It is spoken by the largest number of people in the world, more than 1 billion, most of whom live in China.there are about 50,000 characters in written Chinese, about 20,000 of which are known to most people.There are 8 main varieties of Chinese, which are different from each other in pronunciation.putonghua, closely similar
Dear Sir,
If an ability to learn fast and to work efficiently is important to you, then I may be the right one for the position you offered .please consider my application for the position.
I am supposed to graduate from Bunie School of HuBei Uniersity of Tcchnology in international economy and trade in July 20XX.The three -year education endowed me with a general knowledge and good command of profeional knowledge,as well as basic computer knowledge.I have paed all the courses and achieved excellent grade.Outside claroom, I was very active and took part in different extracurricular activities.I have been doing many part-time jobs such as sales and others that you can see in my resume.All these experiences contributed much to the development and promotion of my organization and communication ability.
I am a woman who has a strong and creative mind, plus flexibility of cooperation, public relations skills and so on.I would bring a delighted new interest and enthusiasm, and that, of course, would mean more efficient and better work for you.Have you an opening for a young woman who believes that she has something to offer? If you wish to see me, I will be very pleased to come in for an interview.I should esteem it a great favor if you could give me an opportunity to try to serve you in the position.
Thank you for your consideration
Yours sincerely
dear mr ho
application for the position of chief financial officer