
A Welcoming Speech
As an old Chinese saying goes: It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.Yesterday, thirty-two teachers and students from Correlieu
Secondary School traveled long way here to china, to Xinchang High School.They will pay a week-long visit to our school, which is a very happy thing.And today is a special day which is worth remembering because this is the first time that we have received guests from overseas sister school.It has very important meaning to our school.
Just now, Canadian students entered our claroom, had leons with our students, making zero-distance contact with Chinese education.However, because of different national conditions, cultures and education systems between China and Canada, a lot of difference has been formed.It is the difference that makes it neceary for us to communicate with each other.
Nowadays, we should have global awarene and international perspective, so exchange activities are meaningful to us.Probably, when the faith and culture collide, we could gain some experience and have a harvest in spite of the difference in concept and method of education.That is exactly the aim of our exchange program.
Finally, I hope China, Shanghai, Xinchang and our school will leave a good and deep impreion on you ,our Correlieu friends and you can keep cheerful throughout your trip to China.Thank you !


在这腊梅怒放、松柏傲寒的初冬时节,你们不辞辛劳、莅临我县xx-xx小学进行爱心捐赠活动,这份心系贫困地区教育的义举,充分体现了中国人民大学甘肃校友会对西部边远山区教育事业的高度关心和支持 。在此,我谨代表康、县政府对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!
康县位于甘肃省东南部,甘川交界地带 。县辖8镇13乡,350个行政村,常住人口19.45万人,面积2958.46平方公里 。
“百年大计,教育为本” 。近年来,在上级党委、政府的坚强领导下,在上级教育主管部门和社会各界的关心支持下,康县政府始终把教育放在优先发展位置,积极实施教育跨越发展战略,凝聚各方力量,切实加大投入,不断改善办学条件,扩大教育教学成果,教育事业发生了巨大变化 。尤其是农村基础教育和标准化学校建设得到长足发展 。今天的捐资助学活动又为康县教育事业发展提供了极大的支持和帮助,同时营造了全社会浓厚的助学氛围 。
中国人民大学甘肃校友会情系社会,关爱教育 。这次向我县xx-xx小学捐资高档热水袋等爱心物品价值近万元,你们慷慨解囊、捐资助学的义举功在当代,利泽千秋,令人敬佩 。这样的无私捐赠,将不仅会有效改善山区孩子们的学习条件和生活条件,更重要的是给我县山区广大师生带来了巨大的精神动力 。这一善举,必将温暖贫困地区每一个儿童的心灵,滋润每一块心田 。