教授邀请函怎么写?( 三 )

(我的姓名), ph.d (dob: 出生年月日)(我的职称), 所在学院
phone: 86 (xxx) xxxxxxxxdear dr.姓名,it is my pleasure to invite you to join my research group in the department of xxx at xxxx university for the purpose of carrying out your research as a visiting scholar supported by the china scholarship council (csc).you will perform research in the field of xxxx, under mysupervision.i would like to have you join us starting in 年月 for a period of x months (年月日 – 年月日).we will provide you with the neceary office, lab space, lab equipment and acce, and supplies for your research during your stay. this offer is based on the condition that you have obtained a csc scholarship (covering international airfare and your stipend to cover living expenses and health insurance) for the time of your studies with us.apart from that, you will be exempt from any other school fees for all your time here. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email. sincerely,(教授签名)教授姓名 , profeor学院 , 大学
(大学logo(与上面的不一样) , 

通 知international institute of science(国际科学研究院)是美国独立注册的政府资助的国际科学界荣誉性及咨询机构 。在86个国家设立直属机构和办事处 , 并接受国家政府机构指导监管工作的独立综合性单位 。主要任务是积极促进国内外的学术交流及多学科的研究 , 促进整合尖端资源 。
为全面贯彻落实综合性人才的创新体制 , 挖掘地方新生力量;发展精英人才的战略部署 , 充分认识到聚集精英人才的作用和前景;大力宣传和嘉奖全国各地的行业人才所做出的贡献 , 共享科研人才主宰未来的趋势 , 经international institute of science(国际科学研究院)研究决定2011年增
补客座教授32名 , 目前筹备聘任工作已全面展开 。
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