《双城记》是狄更斯最重要的代表作之一 。在法国大革命广阔的真实背景下,他以虚构人物梅尼特医生的经历为主线索,把冤狱、爱情与复仇三个互相独立而又互相关联的故事交织在一起,情节错综,头绪纷繁 。早在创作《双城记》之前很久,狄更斯就对法国大革命极为关注,反复研读英国历史学家卡莱尔的《法国革命史》和其他学者的有关著作 。他对法国大革命的浓厚兴趣发端于对当时英国潜伏着的严重的社会危机的担忧 。1854年底,他说:“我相信,不满情绪像这样冒烟比火烧起来还要坏得多,这特别像法国在第一次革命爆发前的公众心理,这就有危险,由于千百种原因——如收成
这部小说塑造了三类人物 。一类是以厄弗里蒙地侯爵兄弟为代表的封建贵族,他们“唯一不可动摇的哲学就是压迫人”,是作者痛加鞭挞的对象 。另一类是得伐石夫妇等革命群众 。必须指出的是,他们的形象是被扭曲的 。例如得伐石的妻子狄安娜,她出生于被侮辱、被迫害的农家,对封建贵族怀着深仇大恨,作者深切地同情她的`悲惨遭遇,革命爆发前后很赞赏她坚强的性格、卓越的才智和非凡的组织领导能力;但当革命进一步深入时,就笔锋一转,把她贬斥为一个冷酷、凶狠、狭隘的复仇者 。尤其是当她到医生住所搜捕路茜和小路茜时,更被表现为嗜血成性的狂人 。最后,作者让她死在自己的枪口之下,明确地表示了否定的态度 。第三类是理想化人物,是作者心目中以人道主义解决社会矛盾、以博爱战胜仇恨的榜样,包括梅尼特父女、代尔纳、劳雷和卡尔登等 。梅尼特医生被侯爵兄弟害得家破人亡,对侯爵兄弟怀有深仇大恨,但是为了女儿的爱,可以摒弃宿仇旧恨;代尔纳是侯爵兄弟的子侄,他大彻大悟,谴责自己家族的罪恶,抛弃爵位和财产,决心以自己的行动来“赎罪” 。这对互相辉映的人物,一个是贵族暴政的受害者,宽容为怀;一个是贵族侯爵的继承人,主张仁爱 。他们中间,更有作为女儿和妻子的路茜 。在爱的纽带的维系下,他们组成一个互相谅解、感情融洽的幸福家庭 。
A Love and Hate in A Tale of Two Cities
Many have grown fond of the tale involving the noble, former French aristocrat, who had virtually unmatched (except maybe in books) good fortune.First, his life was saved by the pitiful testimony of a beautiful young woman.Anyone would gladly have married this beautiful too-good-to-be-true-woman he wedded.It is later seen, however, that this man should have married her even if she were ugly as sin.This was not the case though, and he married a beautiful woman, who had an admirer who was a dead ringer for her husband, was a loser, and would give his life to keep her from pain, all of which really comes in handy when her hubby is on his way to the guillotine.This is not the story of a man with multiple guardian angels, but rather that of a character in Charles Dickens\\' novel A Tale of Two Cities.A skeptic could easily see this as an unbelievable, idealistic and overrated novel that is too far-fetched.An unbiased reader, however, can see that this is a story of love and hate, each making up the bare-bones of the novel so that one must look closely to see Dickens\\' biases, attempts at persuasion, and unbelievable plot-lines, some of which are spawned from Dickens\\' love and hate, and some of which love and hate are used to develop.
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