Another factor that must be considered is our inability to criticize an English--or English-living--character, or to find a modicum of res
pectability in a French one, with two exceptions.One is the young woman who is beheaded just before Sydney Carton.She is the enemy of an enemy, she is going to be killed, and she allows Dickens to teach another moral using Sydney Carton.Why not have her happy to die for the benefit of her countrymen, while not trembling as she ascends to her death, thereby depriving the common enemy of a small victory? With the modern trend of political correctne and anti-racism, a Tale of Two Cities written today would never leave the word proceor.Jerry Cruncher is about the most sinful of the English (aside from a spy but, remember, he defected to France), and he repents by the end, which counts for another moral from Dickens.In Dickens\\' time, racism was not regarded as it is today, and so if he wanted to use the French Revolution to send a meage to the population, it was his right, but he may have taken this too far for some.
Today, Lucie Manette would by no means be taken seriously as a believable, even likable character.She persists in fainting at particularly streful moments, but when her husband is before a heartle, bloodthirsty jury, she looks brave and strong just for him.In context, this was a screaming contradiction, but one that Dickens required to portray his Eve.It is much easier to believe Madame Defarge\\'s hate than her opposition\\'s love.Defarge\\'s sister was raped and
murdered mercilely and her brother was killed by a pair heartle "noblemen".It is much easier to understand Defarge\\'s taste for blood than the condition of Manette, who, after practicing as a competent doctor and acting normally for years, experiences a recurrence of his mental condition simply because his wonderful daughter has left for two weeks, although he has two dear friends nearby.
Charles Dickens has built an enduring story enjoyed by millions, which is loved by experts and critics today although it would be immediately butchered if written by a modern author.It is a love story loved by its creator, but wholly unbelievable.It is actually doomed by its own idealism and unrealistic characters.As a hate story, it is much more competent, although also using this for its own purposes.One can draw one\\'s own conclusions and ideas from such a book, but facts are facts
我是读完这部文学作品之后立刻写这篇读后感的,真是太精彩了,抑制不住自己内心的激动 。特别是读到最后两三章的时候,原先迷茫如大雾般的情节慢慢地似受到初生的阳光而将迷雾驱散后的天空一般明朗起来 。怪不得作者狄更斯自述,这部小说使他“深受感动,无比兴奋”,并且渴望能亲自在舞台上扮演西德尼·卡顿 。
它没有拯救人民,而是将人民推入了另一个火坑 。再来看看另外一位大革命的牺牲品——达内,革命前,他放弃了国内的家业,只身来到英国谋生,在他看来,压迫人民是一件极不人道的事,然而,革命爆发后,他反而无辜地成为人民的敌人,人们不分青红皂白地要将他领上断头台 。不过相信在九死一生之后,他依然是原先那个善良的达内 。
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