It's the annual graduation season again. Please send your best wishes toyour classmates.
11、在友谊面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间,不是彼此妨碍,而是互相照耀 。
In the face of friendship, people shine on each other rather than hindereach other, just like stars.
12、牵手,生命线就交错 。
Hand in hand, the lifeline is staggered.
13、那些花儿,毕业以后还会不会开放了 。
Will those flowers open after graduation?
14、奋斗的双脚在踏碎自己的温床时,却开拓了一条创造之路 。
The struggling feet break their hotbeds, but they open up a road ofcreation.
15、武林门外送行舟,万种离情逐水 。今夜月明何处泊,天涯回首不胜愁 。
Outside the Wulin Gate, boats are seen off, and all kinds of feelings aredriven away from each other. Where is the moonlight mooring tonight?
16、将要毕业了,在这离别的时刻,让我们彼此祝福,各自前行,等待来日再相聚 。
Graduation is coming. At this moment of departure, let's bless each other,go ahead separately, and wait for the next day to meet again.
You have a smooth sailing, come on, friend!
18、你信不信有一种感情,一辈子都不会输给时间 。
Believe it or not, there is a feeling that you will never lose your life totime.
My classmates have been looking forward to thousands of thoughts in theirjourney. May friendship be turned into a force to forge ahead!
20、点半一下子蹦起来,忘记了还要去学校,等洗牙完才发现,已经毕业了 。
At half past one, I jumped up and forgot to go to school. I didn't realizethat I had graduated until I washed my teeth.
还好毕业照的背景是美好的夏日,就算未来再精彩,也不要忘了我 。
给母校的一则留言,每个中小学校将建立毕业班留言册,组织毕业班学生给母校留言,表达对母校、对老师的深厚感情,树立崇高的人生理想 。
地球60亿人,我们在这里相遇,相知,有欢笑,也有争吵 。终于,在今天,我们即将分别,走向各自的前程 。朋友!天涯海角,祝你一路顺遂!
翻过的,不仅仅是往昔的记忆,更是未来我们的相思;留下的,不仅仅是彼此的勉励,更是美好明天的见证 。走远了,远的是距离,不是心;走近了,近了心,就没有距离 。
那些摇摇晃晃的背影,逝去在那些年的青春,时光匆匆地过去,那些记忆被永恒的存留在心中 。年少时的承诺徘回在心底,亲爱的你们,你们是否也如我一样 。在回忆时,嘴角泛起淡淡的微笑呢 。
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