真情实感大学毕业感言范文有没有?( 三 )

yale is full of tiny circles we pull around ourselves.a cappella groups, sports teams, houses, societies, clubs.these tiny groups that make us feel loved and safe and part of something even on our loneliest nights when we stumble home to our computerspartnerle, tired, awake.we dont have those next year.we wont live on the same block as all our friends.we wont have a bunch of group texts.
这让我恐惧 。相比找不到好工作、找不到安定的住所、孤独终身,我更害怕失去现在我们拥有的小世界 。这份模糊不清、难以定义的孤独的背面 。此时此刻我深切体会到的 。
this scares me.more than finding the right job or city or spouse, im scared of losing this web were in.this elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneline.this feeling i feel right now.

但让我们把这点弄清:人生最好的年华不在未来,而是当下此刻我们的一部分,今后只会不断地重复,我们搬到纽约,搬出纽约接着后悔我们来过或没来过纽约 。我三十岁时还想开派对 。我老了之后还想精彩地活着 。任何时候我们提起最好的年华,总离不开那几个老掉牙的前缀:早知道就如果我要是我
but let us get one thing straight: the best years of our lives are not behind us.theyre part of us and they are set for repetition as we grow up and move to new york and away from new york and wish we did or didnt live in new york.i plan on having parties when im thirty.i plan on having fun when im old.any notion of the best years comes from clichd should have, if id, wish id
确实,有很多事我们都后悔没做:该读的那些书,那个住在隔壁的男孩 。我们对自己相当苛刻,正是为此才这么容易让自己失望 。偶尔睡过头 。偶尔拖延 。偶尔投机取巧 。我不止一次回想去高中时的自己,不禁感叹:我怎么可能做成那些事?那么刻苦,我是怎么做到的?内心隐隐的不安全感和我们形影不离,也许会伴随着我们一生 。
of course, there are things we wish wed done: our readings, that boy acro the hall.were out own hardest critics and its easy to let ourselves down.sleeping too late.procrastinating.cutting corners.more than once ive looked back on my high school self and thought: how did i do that? how did i work so hard?our private insecurities follow us and will always follow us.
但你要明白,我们都不完美 。没人在他们想醒来的时候起床 。没人完成该做的阅读(除非是那些获奖的狂人....)我们对自己的要求那么高不可攀,也许一辈子都没法成为想象中完美的自己 。但我们都会平安无事 。
but the thing is, were all like that.nobody wakes up when they want to.nobody did all of their readings (except maybe the crazy people who win prizes.).we have these impoibly high standards and well probably never live up to our perfect fantasies of our future selves.but i feel like thats okay.