真情实感大学毕业感言范文有没有?( 四 )

我们这么年轻 。如此年轻 。我们才二十二岁 。我们有大把大把的时光 。有时我会有这样的感觉,派对之后孤身一人躺下,或是选择放弃之后把书本打包走人时,我们都有这样的感觉那就是太迟了 。别人早已遥遥领先 。比我们更有前途,更有潜力 。在拯救世界这条路上比我们走得更远,他们在创造,在改进 。现在再开始一个开始实在太迟,因为我们早该坚持下来,早该启程 。
were so young.were so young.were twenty-two years old.we have so much time.theres this sentiment i sometimes sense, creeping in our collective consciousne as we lie alone after a party, or pack up our books when we give in and go outthat it is somehow too late.the others are somehow ahead.more accomplished, more specialized.more on the path to somehow saving the world, somehow creating or inventing or improving.that its too late now to begin a beginning and we must settle for continuance, for commencement.
我们初到耶鲁,还有一丝可能性 。我们还拥有这股巨大而无法被定义的潜能而如今它却在一点点消逝 。一直以来我们无需在人生中做出选择,但突然之间我们必须这样做 。有些人因此选择局限自己 。有些人因此清楚地知道自己要做什么,也顺利地上路了:要去医学院,要去那家光鲜体面的公司工作,要去作研究 。对你,我只有两句话相送:一是恭喜,二是你没救了 。
when we came to yale, there was this sense of poibility.this immense and indefinable potential energyand its easy to feel like thats slipped away.we never had to choose and suddenly weve had to.some of us have focused ourselves.some of us know exactly what we want and are on the path to get it: already going to med school, working at the perfect ngo, doing research.to you i say both congratulations and you suck.
是的,对于绝大部分的我们,都被淹没在这文理学院的通识教育之下,对于自己要走的路、或是已经选择的路都有些迷茫 。要是当初我学了生物要是我大一时就走新闻这条路要是我当初申请了这个或者那个
for most of us, however, were somewhat lost in this sea of liberal arts.not quite sure what road were on and whether we should have taken it.if only i had majored in biologyif only id gotten involved in journalism as a freshmanif only id thought to apply for this or for that
但我们必须记住,我们还能做任何事 。我们还能改变主意 。我们可以重新再来 。去读个博士,甚至是开始写作 。那个认为一切都已经太迟了因此我们无能为力的想法简直是滑稽无比 。可笑至极 。我们不过从大学毕业而已 。我们还这么年轻 。我们不能,我们绝对不能丢了这份怀有一切可能的心,因为到头来,除了它,我们一无所有 。
what we have to remember is that we can still do anything.we can change our minds.we can start over.get a post-bac or try writing for the first time.the notion that its too late to do anything is comical.its hilarious.were graduating from college.were so young.we cant, we must not lost this sense of poibility because in the end, its all we have.