Finally, I want to appreciate it that the work has helped me accumulated much experience.I learned how to be a teacher, how to communicate with students and how to deal with the relationship between a teacher and a student, and so on.I strongly felt that a teacher and a student completely can be close friends.I\\'m only a few years older than those students, so it is very easy for me to understand them.They just regarded me as their older brother and their friend.The harmonious relationship between us created a good atmosphere for them to study English under my guide.What\\'s more, as a result, I glad to see that, after a summer holiday\\'s study, they allmade a progre in their English to some degree.I also felt very proud of myself because I have made a succe and I helped others.This is a wonderful summer holiday.
It gave me so much joy and surprise during this summer holiday.Forty days is so short, but my future is very long.I know that I still have a long road to improve myself, however, the part-time job as a teacher is a good beginning at least.In the next few years, I will seize all the opportunities to gain social and work experience.Thanks for this part-time job and it will be precious wealth in my future life forever!
我第一双黑色布鞋是一年多前买的,稍微了解我的人都知道,其实我一直都是穿白色运动鞋的,并不是因为喜欢白色,但就是那样偏执地,只买白色的运动鞋 。之所以买那双黑色布鞋,是因为工作需要,上个暑假本来已经打算好要去工作的,但因为各种各样的原因,只坚持了一天就结束了 。之后那双黑色鞋虽然还留着,但一次也没再穿过,因为不喜欢,也因为它的存在提醒着我,那个暑假我没有坚持,我放弃了本来打算好要做的事情 。
这是大学的第一个暑假,我没有回家,留在了惠州参加社会实践,成为一名大运会安保志愿者 。我们的工作是到派出所里面协助民警与户管员登记出租屋与流动人口,并将资料录入电脑,每一天每个人都有规定的任务数 。本来是说好和小秘们几个人一起分配到马庄派出所的,那里离学校最近,各方面都比较方便,但是后来出了些意外和差错,我被分配到了云山派出所 。云山所在义乌那边,每天早上要去搭k1,从宿舍出发到到达派出所大概要花将近一个小时的时间,而且大家都知道,k1是被形容成过山车的,很颠簸,很拥挤,车上扒手很多 。很多人都劝我考虑清楚,其实就是在劝我放弃,家里人也说还是算了,要我暑假回家,说实话我是真的动摇过,但是最后还是选择了坚持 。我想,要是什么事情都因为有一点阻碍就选择了放弃,那究竟什么时候才能有所成呢?虽然没有回家,不能陪伴爸爸妈妈,不能和家里人一起给爷爷过生日,不能见到刘文涛和刘容辰,不能和亲爱的朋友们相聚,不能跟蛋和妹妹一起给芷茵过生日,很多很多的不能,我很遗憾,但是我知道我不能后悔,也不会后悔 。
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