被翻译成英语的古诗词 古诗词英语翻译( 二 )

古诗翻译成英文 YueYing wind ChaYuan renewalMoon reflects grass-grown dancingYears in todayShe only amongBreaks fairyOnly in the porch window of flower, the move to a few?Since the spirit, so frost is not WuChen supernatural.Flowers dancing butterflyFlowers dancing butterfly will beHermia wind - at homeColorful fragrance drifting yingbin SongKe sleeve has charm fashion colour provoking love fragrance wanli forget timeJian Jia haired, for frost, so-called millennium yiren, ZaiShuiYiFangPeony and riches and honour, ou million more fresh color bosk,The flower show is rich, the former name in flowers.Longteng tripartite confrontation - the small gains the inevitability and mountainsTime is ZhengYan flowers - flowersXunChun rain, the earth, ZhengYan phase, flowers, and see today!LouHuaNongCloud to spend to let the clothes, spring breeze LouHuaNong trap. Unless the group, will head to the jade YaoTai on.Lily - wind and flowers. OptimumElement GuanMing jade, great music sounds of total diluted, The wind and flowers, into the mud fitness sweet smell sweet.
古诗翻译成英语希望你能够从中找到一些灵感 。

【被翻译成英语的古诗词 古诗词英语翻译】

他的翻译还是很具有代表性的,翻译比较严格的保留了诗歌本来的字面意思,并且在20世纪初在欧美掀起了一股中文古诗热,此人翻译了无数中国古诗 。
推荐你可以看下英美现代诗歌早期的代表人物Ezra Pound,即便遇到英语中没有的内容,也偏好通过注释等来补充 。
而国外的汉学家翻译的古诗则基本是“意译”,不太注重古诗本身的字面意思,也不偏重音韵的优美 。
很多时候外国的汉学家翻译过去的已经不成为“诗”,而更像是散文,中国的译者偏向于“音译”,即偏重保留古诗的押韵的美感 。
同时 。
古诗句翻译成英文 GRASSES Bai Juyi Boundless grasses over the plain Come and go with every season; Wildfire never quite consumes them -- They are tall once more in the spring wind. Sweet they press on the old high- road And reach the crumbling city-gate.... O Prince of Friends, you are gone again.... I hear them sighing after you.