关于写我的梦想作文英语( 二 )

有一次,我应邀回芜湖为我的《梦幻童年》进行新书签售 。重回芜湖,我除了感受到了亲切与快乐,芜湖的新变化,更是让我眼前一亮 。树木郁郁葱葱,空气清新甜润,道路不再拥堵不堪,“汽车长龙”更是难以看见 。人们上下班不再匆匆忙忙挤公交,不再急躁不安地按喇叭,科技的变化让人们可以优雅而又自在地生活 。
接待人员告诉我,奇瑞人的科技创新已经取得了非常突出的成就 。他们已经研发出了陆空两用、无尾气的太阳能汽车 。这种汽车既节能又环保,还满足了人们上下班不用焦急等待的需求 。轻轨、地铁也已经延伸至城市各个角落,出行变得更加便捷 。
更奇妙的是芜湖大大小小的公园和景区都连成了一体,天门山、赭山公园、神山公园、汀棠公园、滨江公园、方特、长江大桥,已经被快速通道连成一片 。快速通道旁边是绿色长廊,树木郁郁葱葱,像一个天然氧吧 。人们在这里休闲、健身,放松心情 。不论生活在市区的哪个小区,都能在五分钟内进入长廊 。
芜湖这座城市不仅变得更美了,更便捷了,也变得更宜居了 。
这就是我的梦想,一个承载着希望,需要不断努力,需要大家齐心协力,才有可能实现的梦想 。可是不管未来如何,只要心中有目标,愿意为之坚定地努力奋斗,我们就会一直在成长,一直有收获 。
关于写我的梦想作文英语 篇3
lovely, beautiful. She can be the young musician with our famous class, play skill is well piano, she still is the musical committee member of our class. The 2nd come on the stage do laugh at king, do not tell you who he is temporarily. The face of round circle, bodily form slants fat. It what word arrived in his mouth is OK that what word arrived in his mouth become joke, sometimes, his word just said, whole class is met the whole room burst into laughter. Now need not I say, did you know who he is? Ah, he with respect to Zhang Chang, the happy fruit of our class! The 3rd young talented woman that those who come on the stage is our class -- Liu Anfan. Is she had deep love for? , the book has made the indispensable one part in her life. What her composition writes is very marvellous, obtained teacher and classmates reputably. The 4th those who come on the stage is Huang Xin. Although his stature is small, ordinary, but he is a sonneteer. When every instantly class does not have a thing, his metropolis writes a poem on draft paper. Those poems that he writes, if you looked, regular meeting belly laugh. Come on the stage finally, it is a heavyweight character -- He Jiaxin. She can be the monitor of our class, became 6 years continuously, fierce! She is the teacher's capable young aide, the teacher gives her thing, what she can do is very good. The classmate of our class resembles the note in staff, each have each distinguishing feature, because,be these 59 note, just composed the music with our this beauty, moving class.