方位介词to、in、on的区别( 四 )

The building is behind the hospital
In the front of在内部的前面,属于其中的一部分,相反的是at the back of
The girl stands in the front of the classroom
The girl stands at the back of the classroom
5Beside, near, by
表示场所的介词:at,in,on,under,by,near,between,around,opppsite表示方向的介词:into,out of,along,acroos,through,up,past1At在某地(表示比较狭窄的场所)eg I’ll meet him at the station2In在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所)egMike works in th prison3On在……上面,有接触面egThere are two maps on de wall在……靠近……的地方eg He is working on the farm4Above在……上方egOur plane flew above the clouds5Over在……正上方,与under反义There is a light over Miss Li6Under在……下面,在……之内egThe dog is under the table7Below ……下方(不一定是正下方)egThere are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water8Near近的,不远的egIs there a bus stop near here9By 在……旁边,距离比near近egThe boy is standing by the window10Between 在两者之间eg Wath’s the different between A and B11Among 在三者或更多的之中egThey live among the mountains12Around 环绕,在……周围,在……四周eg We sataround the table13In front of 在……的前面;在……的前部egThere is a tree in front of the house14Behind 在……后面egThere is a tree behind my house15Opposite 在……对面egHe stood opposite me16In 在……之内,用于表示静止的位置egThe students are in the classroom17Into 进入egHe jump into the water18Out of 和一样,也表示有一定的运动方向egShe was looking out of the window19Along沿着egI was walking along the river20Across 横过egI go across the street to do some shopping21Past 经过eg Every day he runs past the city hall22Through 贯穿,通过egThe river was through the city23To 到达……地点(目的地)或方向eg Tom has gone to school24For表示目的地,“向……”表目的时,一般是和固定动词搭配leave for 动身去…… start for出发去……egI’ll leave for America next week25From 从……地点起egHow far is it from our school to the hospital