关于圣诞节的作文600字500字( 三 )

第二天学校也化了妆,窗户上有雪花、圣诞老人的图案和钟的图案 。墙上还挂着各种各样的彩带和圣诞树贴纸,非常温馨 。角落里还有一大袋气球,那应该也是用来装饰的吧!
圣诞节虽然是外国人的节日,但我们中国人也可以过,只要是地球人的节日,我们都可以过 。
Sunday morning, Xiao-qing sleep Masaka and suddenly she heard "Susu" sound, quarrel not feel she was sleeping. She reluctantly sat up and rubbed his eyes, went to the window before slowly and gently open the windows a look, wow! That the outside is a feather-like snow under it! Xiao-Qing are pleased to have had crowed. She could not wait to put on the skates, breath ran Fengchi Park.
Fengchi Park may more, some in the snowball fight, and some to be a gift to Santa Claus, and some with happy singing, dancing, as well as a cute little dog along the path printed out a strange footprints it! It sat there quietly, as if never seen snow like. Xiao-Qing also started skating, and suddenly there was a little boy picked up a snowball, is preparing threw Xiao-qing, Xiao-qing can be smart, and suddenly slipped passed, but also a hippie smile, said: "hey, Dabu Zhao, you is Dabu Zhao! "He was furious even the brows are erected come. More than that, there's a glorious position of the Christmas tree, Christmas tree there are many candles, gifts and bells. Santa Claus has also prepared a number of colorful trees a gift, as if to give to all the kids play at the snow, the beautiful great.
This is really a happy Christmas !
“啊?这是给我的……天哪……”圣诞节的早晨,妈妈刚一起床就惊喜的叫起来,听声音是激动里夹着兴奋,准确的说有点不知所措 。
“对,就是给你的!圣诞快乐!”我和弟弟、爸爸异口同声的回答 。
看到礼物一一打开,爸爸走上前,拥着妈妈说:“辛苦了,谢谢你!穿上去上班吧!”老爸总是不够浪漫,要是刚才的话改成“老婆,辛苦了,我爱你!”估计妈妈的感受会更深的 。“妈妈,我的礼物最好了,可甜,你吃吧!”弟弟说着也扑进了妈妈怀里 。“妈妈,请吃我的爱心早餐!他们两个都来虚的,我来点实际的,填饱肚子就该上班了!”盘子里两个七成熟的煎蛋外加一块馍片,被我单膝跪下高高举过头顶 。