关于小燕子的作文250字 精选10篇( 三 )

燕子妈妈看见了,叽叽喳喳地叫着,好像在说:“小明,你真是个好孩子” 。
关于小燕子的作文250字(精选10篇) 篇5
秋天的季节,天空那么晴朗,一天下午我准备去同学家看书 。刚走到屋檐下,看见一只燕子从上面掉下来,我听下来看着那只小燕子 。那是一只小雏燕,羽毛还没长出来,身体还是毛绒绒的 。这只可爱动物小家伙肯定是趁妈妈不在家的时候贪玩,不小心从上面掉下来的 。它不停地振动着幼小的翅膀,想飞回窝去 。
突然一只大花猫窜了出来,它“喵喵”地叫着,像一只庞然大物出现在小燕子面前 。大花猫捋着自己的胡须,好像在说:“哈哈,我的美食从天而降了!”它围着小燕子转圈圈,似乎看着小燕子说:“飞呀,你快点飞起来呀!你要是能飞走,我就不吃你啦!”
我低下头对大花猫说:“不好意思,大花猫,我不救小燕子,它的妈妈回来就找不到它了,一定会很伤心的 。”说着,我便跑回家去给小燕子包扎受伤的地方,包好后就把小燕子放回了窝里 。
一会儿,小燕子的妈妈会来了 。给小燕子带回了它最爱吃的小虫子 。小燕子一边吃一边摇头晃脑的,仿佛告诉它妈妈是我救了它,要不就见不上妈妈了 。过了几天后,小燕子的伤好了,它向外伸了伸腰,好像是要独立了,再也不需要妈妈的帮助了 。
天气逐渐变冷,小燕子也要飞到南方去了 。临走的时候,它不停地叫,好像对我说:“再见!我永远忘不了你,明年回来时我还住在你家的 。”我不觉的脸上露出了微笑 。
关于小燕子的作文250字(精选10篇) 篇6
In me domestic eave falls, have a bird's nest, there are a pair of laborious swallow couples inside. One day, I discover to bag of a few cerebella is shown in bird's nest, piece move the small mouth that the needle fizzles out again " spurt, spurt, spurt " the ground is crying. "Ah! Darling of swallow of big swallow hatch comes! " I cry happily gladly. At that time, in the young brother's daughter that the car plays in house Wen Sheng came, her eye devouringly is looking at Yan Baobao. My heart thinks, young brother's daughter won't make what decision on small swallow body! I tell her intentionally, altogether has 4 small swallow. I am afraid that she goes hitting Yan Baobao with maize. Classes are over afternoon come home, I did not put down satchel to see small swallow directly. I set foot on ladder to climb eave, well, how to remain 3 small swallow only? It is that naughty young brother's daughter for certain. Be in at this moment, transmitted the cry of small swallow bitterness from house. I am busy walk into look in house, young brother's daughter is playing small swallow on the table. I ask her angrily: "You are 6 years old of big children, so naughty still, swallow is beneficial bird, why should you catch it? " young brother's daughter replies hurriedly: "Do not catch, be... be... be collect below eave those who come. " I see young brother's daughter cries, fool her to say at once: "Precious jade, put small swallow, wait for sometime me you catch cicada to play, ? " " not, I play even meeting. " young brother's daughter is shaking a body to say. Alas, take her to do not have method really. Suddenly, I remembered a thing, I say to young brother's daughter: "Precious jade, that your mom takes you to go market buys food, you go lost, not anxious? " " I cry urgently continuously, mom looks for me everywhere. Thanks to a well-meaning elder sister, she helped me find mom. " precious jade precious jade say. I capture an opportunity to hasten say: "You look, swallow mom also is looking for its little baby anxiously. " if young brother's daughter seemed to understand me, face is red. Then, her two tactics is holding small swallow in both hands, walk out of a house, small swallow replace in the nest. "Spurt, spurt, spurt... " the cry that the sky transmitted big swallow, that cry is like is to be like acknowledgment young brother's daughter, young brother's daughter was looking at big swallow to laugh, she laughs so happily.