以精彩为话题的作文600字( 七 )

我们又一次站在了山顶,迎面吹来了清凉的山风 。望着远方崎岖的山路、陡峭的悬崖,母亲似在自言自语:“也许每个人的童年都是不同的,人生也不一定都是圆满的 。世间还有太多的苦难和愁怨,但是你看,离开城市的纷扰和嘈杂,眼前湛蓝的天空、碧绿的山林、鲜艳的花朵不都是很美的吗?也许你现在有许多困惑和烦恼,将来也还会有许多坎坷和逆境,但你的生命就像彩虹 。你知道彩虹为什么美丽吗?就是因为它拥有多种色彩 。”她摸了摸我的头,继续说到:“你眼前的快乐就是看到了这些美丽的色彩,经历了这些色彩 。”
是啊,人生就像彩虹,它应是多彩的,真正的快乐就是把忧伤、幸福、烦恼都交织在一起的,这样的快乐才是永恒的、美丽的 。泪水渐渐模糊了我的视线,瀑布的轰鸣声也似乎越飘越远,我又看见了山涧的上空那一道美丽的七色彩虹……啊,我心中的彩虹,闪耀在我的生命中 。
以精彩为话题的作文600字 篇9
how do movies or television influence people’s behavior? use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
do movies and television affect our behavior? a special concern is whether movies and television make children and society more violent. i believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both for the better and for the worse.
movies do make people more violent. the more we see violent acts on television, the less sensitive we become to them. eventually violence doesn’t seem wrong .we may even commit violent acts ourselves. this is especially true because we don’t always realize that violence has consequences. actors can be killed and come back for another movie. sometimes we confuse that with reality. we forget that killing someone is permanent.
movies and television also influence our behavior because they make us less active. looking at films is a passive activity. if we watch too much, we become unhealthy, both mentally and physically. we stop using our own imagination when we see things acted out for us. mental laziness becomes physical laziness; we’d rather watch sports on to than play sports ourselves. we’d rather visit with the characters on “seinfeld” or “friends” than go chat with our own neighbors. imaginary people have exciting lives. is it any wonder that some people would rather live a fantasy life than their own?
of course, watching movies and television can also be good for us. it can give us a broader window on the world. for example, seeing movies can expose us to people of different races and cultures. we can then overcome some prejudices more easily. recently there have been more handicapped people in films, and this also helps reduce prejudice.
以精彩为话题的作文600字 篇10
世上总有一样东西,对你而言很特别 。这“特别”也许是一次旅行,一场比赛,一段友谊又或是一个人 。但对我而言特别的,是一抹色彩,一抹自然的色彩——绿色 。